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Weekend work 2 amaze & delight, just bragging.


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Ideas I just had to get out.

Quick mock-up.

Would be a great AtariVox+ game, because the Arcade version talks a LOT.


Thanks again to RT and his website for the start of virtual player collision detection!!!!

I could not find any info on what is commonly done like in 2600 Space Invaders - where it detects a collision with a copied sprite, and then how you have to shuffle things around depending on the order you shoot the triple or double copies.

Shows I got it to work.

Also the 1 pixel fuel decay using PF blocks and the ball. I found that a cool trick. Also thought about just a playfield block going from 4 high to 3, 2, 1, 0 and then decay the next one, and so on.



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  • 2 months later...

Looks really awesome, dude! Did you use DPC+?

Yes, DPC+ kernel.

Uses tweaked arcade movement data, but I got stumped at the very next enemies. :( It has got to be so simple I am missing it.


Already got thumbs down for using scrolling Playfield pixels to keep flicker down as enemy shots because they are wide across and thin, like the bullets are sideways.

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  • 1 month later...

The DPC+ kernel is very easy!


I did THIS WIP with it:




and my traveling game, Run Out, was done with it.


It's really just relearning how to deal with the player1 (NUSIZ and other registers are different) stuff and it introduces stacking, trading unused mirror sprites for variables, and let's you waste more time in the vblank because of the ARM speed boost.


I may start a blog detailing the final touches on Street Fight World before it is possibly released and most likely spirals in flames downward into a nuclear smoke stack. :-D (I.E. my wife says it's going to be BIG!!)

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