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Atari 8-Bit Assembler?


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I just won an auction for a new copy of the Atari Assembler Cart. It is a new copy in its box with the manual. What I want to know is the following.

If I want to start programming in Assembler on my 130XE what else should I get? I saw that there was an Atari Macro Assembler program. Is that needed? I have experience programming in BASIC and Turbo Pascal 7.0 for MS-DOS as well as some C++ experience on a PC. I never used Assembler before but, would love to try it out and who knows maybe create a game some day. :) So, if anyone could recommend any other Assembler related items I should look to get that will help me along with the actual Assembler cart I won on eBay, I'd appreciate it.


Finally, can anyone recommend a good book or site that will teach Assembler for the Atari 8-Bit systems to a novice? As I said I have some programming experience, but nothing in Machine Language or Assembler.





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  I just won an auction for a new copy of the Atari Assembler Cart. It is a new copy in its box with the manual. What I want to know is the following.

If I want to start programming in Assembler on my 130XE what else should I get? I saw that there was an Atari Macro Assembler program. Is that needed? I have experience programming in BASIC  and Turbo Pascal 7.0 for MS-DOS as well as some C++ experience on a PC. I never used Assembler before but, would love to try it out and who knows maybe create a game some day. :) So, if anyone could recommend any other Assembler related items I should look to get that will help me along with the actual Assembler cart I won on eBay, I'd appreciate it.


Before you start writing any programs, make sure you have some method of storing them, whether it be a disk drive, cassette drive, or an SIO2PC cable, which can "emulate" both with the right software. Those are the main materials that you need if you want to do any serious programming. As far as Macro Assembler is concerned, you don't need it, but once you start getting the hang of programming in assembly, you would most likely find it quite helpful. However, above that I would recommend the PC program ATASM, which is a very powerful macroassembler and is almost a direct copy of MAC/65, my assembler of choice back in the day. For now, though, the Atari Assembler cart coupled with the necessary hardware should suffice.


Finally, can anyone recommend a good book or site that will teach Assembler for the Atari 8-Bit systems to a novice? As I said I have some programming experience, but nothing in Machine Language or Assembler.


The site www.atariarchives.org has just about everything you would need in order to get started in programming in assembly for the Atari 8bit. I would highly recommend reading the book Machine Language for Beginners first, as it's probably the best beginner's guide to asm I've ever seen. The only other thing I can recommend is to try becoming familiar with Atari BASIC first, as this book assumes familiarity with it, although with your programming background, I'd say it's not an absolute necessity.

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  I just won an auction for a new copy of the Atari Assembler Cart. It is a new copy in its box with the manual. What I want to know is the following.

If I want to start programming in Assembler on my 130XE what else should I get? I saw that there was an Atari Macro Assembler program. Is that needed? I have experience programming in BASIC  and Turbo Pascal 7.0 for MS-DOS as well as some C++ experience on a PC. I never used Assembler before but, would love to try it out and who knows maybe create a game some day. :) So, if anyone could recommend any other Assembler related items I should look to get that will help me along with the actual Assembler cart I won on eBay, I'd appreciate it.  


Finally, can anyone recommend a good book or site that will teach Assembler for the Atari 8-Bit systems to a novice? As I said I have some programming experience, but nothing in Machine Language or Assembler.






the assembler cartridge is nice with a good debugger I used it alot before I got MAC/65. There is a diskversion and cartridge version when you are used to these no other assembler would be better...



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