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genesis pads on 7800?


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Yes it will work just fine. Without the dual 7800 button support of course. For dual button 7800 support...you have to modify the joystick. I haven't done this myself but I hear it isn't all that bad of a conversion to do.



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you can use an genesis controller on an atari consoel

you can use an genesis power supply on the atari jaguar console



what more of genesis can we use soon? genesis games on the atari jaguar using an converter? :?


ps. damnit! want 2 controllers! under or up my picture :P



best regards,



Vyeyendra ramnares

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  • 4 weeks later...

Actually, instead of modding out your perfectly good genesis controller, you can go buy a 9-pin male to female extension cable at radio shack, split it open, and work with those wires. that way the controller works fine on the genesis, and with your modified extension cable, will work properly with the 7800. I've seen specs for this on the internet before, but can't remember where.

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Okay I have this really good Genesis Joystick and I was wondering is it safe to use it on my 7800? :?:


Hell yeah!


I use one for my 7800 and it works really well! I play my 2600 games through my 7800 and this is a perfect setup!

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Here's the link to the 2600 FAQ (note to FAQ moderator: this should also be in the 7800 FAQ):




I made a converter a year or two ago from parts found at Radio Suck, er Shack. The component list couldn't be much simpler: 4 resistors and 2 transistors.


I crammed the components so overall it's about the size of a matchbox. I still need to make a case for it (at one point I actually _did_ use a matchbox :) ).


Haven't used a 7800 controller since (and my hands thank me for it). Love that Sega Arcade Power Stick!


- Jason

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Here's the link to the 2600 FAQ (note to FAQ moderator: this should also be in the 7800 FAQ):




I made a converter a year or two ago from parts found at Radio Suck, er Shack. The component list couldn't be much simpler: 4 resistors and 2 transistors.


I crammed the components so overall it's about the size of a matchbox. I still need to make a case for it (at one point I actually _did_ use a matchbox :) ).


Haven't used a 7800 controller since (and my hands thank me for it). Love that Sega Arcade Power Stick!


- Jason


I was going to make an adapter, but Radio Outhouse.. Err.. Shanty.. Err.. Shack doens't carry a fraction of the parts they used to.


I was thinking, as far as a case goes, couldn't you use a matchbox as a mold, and put some sort of resin on it? That's what I was thinking of doing.

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I was thinking, as far as a case goes, couldn't you use a matchbox as a mold, and put some sort of resin on it?  That's what I was thinking of doing.


Do you mean encase the whole thing in resin? That might actually be a good idea. I mean, once you buld it, there'd be no need to take it apart again.


Actually, I think if I build another one I'll probably just get a 9 pin extension cable (like cloudmann mentioned), splice the adapter components near the female end, and shroud it in a hard plastic section of tube such as PVC.


- Jason

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