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Nintendo Classic Mini announced

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Warning, unpopular opinion alert:


Just let me buy all 30 games as a bundle download on Nintendo Switch for fifty or sixty bucks. Or better yet, give me credit for the ones I already have on Wii/3DS and a "complete my bundle" price for the rest.


I don't care about the boxy NES controller or console as much as most people, especially with a wired controller, extra especially if said wire is way too short.


I'm glad I don't have to fret about buying this RARE! COLLECTIBLE! piece of shit anymore. File under "too much money, not enough interest" alongside Battlesphere Gold.

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This is not something that I was ever really actively in the market for since I have multiple NES systems, including one that's RGB-modded, plus upscalers. That being said, if I had ever walked into a Target and seen it on the shelf, I probably would have just grabbed it for the hell of it. Would have been cool to have in the living room, where I don't usually have a system hooked up. Would have been cool just to play with the interface, even. I'm still just blown away by this. I mean, they released a carrying case for it. They released arcade sticks for it. Can you imagine being a third-party company that was selling accessories for this thing, waiting for the supply chain to catch up with demand? They just got the rug pulled out from under them. I've seen piles of accessories for the Mini at the stores. No one is buying them because they couldn't get their hands on the system.


The only thing I can guess is that this has been something that has given Nintendo a certain low level of negative publicity, because they've never been able to catch up with demand. That, and this was already a product that was directly competing with Virtual Console sales before people figured out how to hack it.

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Luckily for guys like us, those who want one just to have it, won't miss it. I've owned mine since release and while it's cool, it's certainly not THAT cool. I'm in the process of securing an official second controller, and it'll be damn close to what I paid for the system. But I'm a collector, what can I say? Had I not scored one at retail, I'd be ticked but only by the collector bug, not by the product itself. It's Achilles Heel (audio lag) is enough to relegate it to a novelty item for me. It's cool...but not that cool.


And Nintendo really does make stupid decisions. I'll never question that again.

Edited by atarilovesyou
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...sorry for the double post, but...the announcement does say for "this year"...lol, as if it's going to see another iteration in 2018, say :D or 2019...2020? Sure, that sounds like a round number!


People are going to start hanging out in the pumpkin patch with Linus before long :D

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Kind of ironic that this came up today, mere hours before The Announcement, but it turns out my sister has been keeping an eye out for a mini without luck. I'm sure they'll disappear into the ether immediately, but if any of the folks finding them in the wild still wanna sell one for cost plus shipping- PM me? I'm in the market again, it seems!

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I've known for a long time that Nintendo is run by monkeys with ties. Remember the GBA eReader? They never did release those Game & Watch eCards they initially promised, and the eReader itself was never exploited to its true potential. It was mostly just Pokémon and Animal Crossing cards, with a few early NES games and some assorted promo cards. And don't get me started on how they released the first two series of Super Mario Bros 3 upgrade cards and only released the third and fourth series in Japan, leaving us with unreachable content in SMB3 on GBA. They really dropped the ball on that one.


Monkey is, monkey does... :ponder:

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Will May see the formal introduction of NES games on the Switch Virtual Console (or whatever the equivalent service is called)? The same games on that service will probably cost $6/per game, so you will probably be able to obtain all those games cheaper than for what the scalpers are going to charge for their consoles. You just won't be able to play with an official NES replica controller.

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Kind of ironic that this came up today, mere hours before The Announcement, but it turns out my sister has been keeping an eye out for a mini without luck. I'm sure they'll disappear into the ether immediately, but if any of the folks finding them in the wild still wanna sell one for cost plus shipping- PM me? I'm in the market again, it seems!



lets be realistic here, even at a casual eye out for one, someone would have earned just about 3x in minimum wage just going by the local "tronics" section giving a casual glance for a 60$ joke from a constantly failing company


reminds me of my neighbor, still thinks its still 1989, lives with his mother in law with a wife and 2 kids, its time to give it up, just get with the program like everyone else in the last 30 years



fuk my 1994 pentium 90 mhz laptop plays NES games 60fps from dos, its not that hard unless you are a chit cardboard box collector

Edited by Osgeld
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lets be realistic here, even at a casual eye out for one, someone would have earned just about 3x in minimum wage just going by the local "tronics" section giving a casual glance for a 60$ joke from a constantly failing company


reminds me of my neighbor, still thinks its still 1989, lives with his mother in law with a wife and 2 kids, its time to give it up, just get with the program like everyone else in the last 30 years



fuk my 1994 pentium 90 mhz laptop plays NES games 60fps from dos, its not that hard unless you are a chit cardboard box collector




No really, I have no damn idea what you're on about. I was talking to my sister yesterday, she mentioned wanting a mini but never seeing one. I said hey, Atariage was just talking about having folks who found them pick them up for folks who couldn't- I'll go say you're interested. Then I find the discontinuation posts and think "eh, I'll mention it anyway, can't hurt." And that somehow means either me or my sister are some sort of backward luddites who need to "get with the program?"


I'm not sure if you're somehow bothered by my sister being willing to pay cost plus shipping to someone online because walking by electronics while picking up the groceries hasn't had one come available, or if my post got singled out for a very disjointed anti-Nintendo mini-rant. :?

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No really, I have no damn idea what you're on about. I was talking to my sister yesterday, she mentioned wanting a mini but never seeing one. I said hey, Atariage was just talking about having folks who found them pick them up for folks who couldn't- I'll go say you're interested. Then I find the discontinuation posts and think "eh, I'll mention it anyway, can't hurt." And that somehow means either me or my sister are some sort of backward luddites who need to "get with the program?"


I'm not sure if you're somehow bothered by my sister being willing to pay cost plus shipping to someone online because walking by electronics while picking up the groceries hasn't had one come available, or if my post got singled out for a very disjointed anti-Nintendo mini-rant. :?



AtariAge protip: Osgeld is crazy and none of his insane ramblings should ever be taken seriously. A worthy addition to your "Ignore" list if there ever was one.

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The only thing is, they're cutting themselves out of their own racket :D


Honestly, who knows what they'll charge for VC downloads on the Switch. And guess what Nintendo, I have no interest in buying a Switch (currently, certainly not at release prices) but I certainly AM interested in your cool retro products.


I don't think the same folks are buying the Switch and the Mini, although there's sure to be some overlap. But Nintendo makes money either way. Well, 'made'.


Fortunately for myself, I think I managed to climb a hurdle of sorts: After getting right to the 'click to confirm payment' on an ebay sale of an official Mini controller (priced well beyond the retail rate), I stepped back from the abyss after asking myself, "What the fuck are you thinking? Are you really going to play this thing two player? And if you do, is the 2nd player going to mind playing the Wii Classic Controller? Is there really nothing else you'd like to buy right now that would give you more bang back for the buck than THIS?"


So I clicked back, and I don't think I'll buy one. Not at the current prices. Because there are TONS of other things I'd rather spend that money on.


But...I'm not saying I'm not gonna wake up crazy early for the next few weeks stalking the Walmart in hopes of getting one at retail :) I mean, it's only going to be selling for the next month anyways, right?


:D I need help :D

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They'll ship whatever is left by the end of the month, so if you must hunt, you got 2 weeks.


I don't blame you for backing off, I wasn't even going to try in the first place and just snapped up the $10 EMIO gamepad with the wonky turbo button on it as it had the long cord already.


Since the stock one is so short, the 2nd unit I just got couldn't even have the controller hit the ground from on top of the small dresser my daughter has, so I took that and swapped in the EMiO for her and that reached all the way across the room over to her bed -- problem solved. :) Now that I have a Wii again, that first one I saw and dumped for a nicer complete one did have a black pro controller with it, that could be used as well either for that or if I ever ended up hacking the second for any other games comfortably as well (SNES, N64, Gameboy anything, Neo-Geo, etc.)

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I don't know if the average person would care about being burned before. If they did a SNES Mini, people would still flock to it like it was the second coming.


I think Nintendo is and always has been against these types of things because there's a finite sales ceiling and no hope of making additional money off of people post-sale. It's against a business model they've enjoyed since the release of the Famicom. This was clearly nothing more than a necessary evil, a desperate times calling for desperate measures type of thing. It's perfectly understandable, although how they've handled this has been extremely clumsy.

I disagree. Nintendo have talked of a "third pillar" multiple times, starting with the Virtual Boy in '94. Quality of Life never got past conceptual stages. NES Mini was their Ace in the Hole, in addition to the brand new Switch, and the 3DS line, which, despite being in it's twilight years, still has soe life left in it. Eventually 3DS will dry up, with Switch or it's successor replacing both handheld and console divisions. They'll need a second pillar of products, and annual NES Minis / SNES Minis, and possibly an N64 model, would have been the golden goose, and if anything boosted interest in more obscure Virtual Console titles sold through the Switch platform. Should Switch falter, they could just do like AtGames, shoving out Mini Classic consoles year after year, only at 10x the volume.


Sorry, but Nintendo had a golden goose on their hand, and instead of dining on golden eggs every morning for breakfast for the next five years, they slaughtered it for a one time dinner of drumsticks and breast meat. Lame... :roll:

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Yup I saw the prices went back up from $100-120 to $200 on the things. I hope they choke on the things, but we know panic will now set in and feed these jerks for the foreseeable future which is disgusting.


Nintendo screwed the pooch, but I'm not ready yet to agree with Bill despite the fact he knows some stuff working for the plug in play king of old gaming these days ATGames. I think there's a shot this could/would be a holiday thing. It wouldn't split the buys of it or the Switch, they really have nothing in common other than pedigree and maybe something on a Switch virtual console by then. Nintendo is the king of cheap and usually (this one aside) milking things hardcore to death. You have a very cheap piece of New3DS level hardware with minimal storage slapped into a little plastic shell and other than throwing some green at Konami, Capcom and Tecmo basically, it's all clean wide margin profit on these things that are so basic and simple to produce. I think they could pull an AT Games on this entirely. Throw it back out there, a revised one, or perhaps next time a SNES unit and offer it up yet again for like 3-4 months from Nov-March. Not everyone will want or ever want a Switch at $300 let alone $200 or less. This is the system for the lost older era gamer, the non-gamer with flashbacks, and just others wanting something cheap and easy for friends/party time/on the go. Those ATGames systems often you see them pop up in that same time frame everywhere in large bulk, then they fade away in the spring basically until the wash-rinse-repeat of the following year with some minor changes on the Sega side (this year being new finally.) Nintendo could rake in those non-core buyers, sure some 8bit fanboys too, but mostly those who would be a revenue stream they have lacked otherwise.


I guess we'll find out next fall won't we?


I almost truly hope they do not and it's a fart in the wind. The scalping subhuman garbage will have their radars out on this one that's for certain. If Nintendo peeps a word about it coming again, or worse yet a SNES mini, it will get ugly fast, real fast compared to the NES. You think it was bad now, if they go by the fair assumption it will sell for a few months and go, they'll be in line a day in advance local and have their bots out in a rage fury on websites. They'll be damn certain to make you buy from them, and this time they won't be asking double or triple ($120-180~) watch them hit Wii epic levels of stupidity a decade ago - 5-7x the price because they know scared stupid sheeple will be all over that and we'll all lose.

I love you Tanooki. Maybe it's the Friday night Tequila and Mexican beer, but I agree 100%. You're the only guy in here that gets it. Cheers man, I ow you one! ;-)
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Sorry, but Nintendo had a golden goose on their hand, and instead of dining on golden eggs every morning for breakfast for the next five years, they slaughtered it for a one time dinner of drumsticks and breast meat. Lame... :roll:

I don't think so. NES Classic Mini is a low margin toy that only moved 250K units...sure it could have sold more but that wouldn't have made the same kind of cash that a programmable console does. It was a one-off product with no future expansion, a Pong machine in a post-VCS world. If anything, it undervalued their IP and cut the legs of the Virtual Console on the Switch and hurt their reputation with their most loyal fans. It was like the surprise hit Wii Fit Trainer Amiibo that was popular because it was hard to find. That doesn't make it good or inherently valuable.

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I don't think so. NES Classic Mini is a low margin toy that only moved 250K units...sure it could have sold more but that wouldn't have made the same kind of cash that a programmable console does. It was a one-off product with no future expansion, a Pong machine in a post-VCS world. If anything, it undervalued their IP and cut the legs of the Virtual Console on the Switch and hurt their reputation with their most loyal fans. It was like the surprise hit Wii Fit Trainer Amiibo that was popular because it was hard to find. That doesn't make it good or inherently valuable.


This part of the argument I hate, because it just doesn't. pan. out. It assumes that everyone who wanted a Mini is a) buying a Switch, and b) using the Virtual Console. That's not where the market for this thing is. The market for this is parents long since 'grown out' of videogames who want a lil' nostalgia, and maybe to share some of their childhood with their kids. It's people who'd like some classic NES around but don't have hundreds of dollars to spend on it. It's people with very young kids who need a unit that can handle being thrown out a window and having a rock dropped on it, not something that takes damage from its own accessories.


My sister wants a Mini. If she'd just been able to find one in a store, they'd have got her money. But no, they have to protect their precious downloads. And now they will get nothing from her, because SHE'S NOT BUYING A DAMN SWITCH! Meanwhile, the diehard who does want a Switch- me- never wanted a mini to begin with. They are cutting themselves off from a massive causal market- the same people who made the Wii a huge success- for fear of losing a tiny bit of money from a small segment of crossover customers.

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