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Hello, I'm new here, I need help to decide which to get.


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Hello everyone,


I need help to decide what to get, I'm looking for a way to play Sega Genesis games on the go, for now I'm looking at two options, but I'm open for other options as well as long as they are within my budget which is no more than $50-$60 as I do have lots of games on PC and other systems, and I still own my old Sega Genesis games collection, that is why I want the cheapest way possible.


The first option I'm looking at, and so far this is the option I'm most likely going for is the Sega Genesis AtGames Arcade Ultimate Portable, however when looking at that in Amazon, I see different ones, so far I'm interested in one of those three.






3. https://www.amazon.com/Genesis-AtGames-Ultimate-Portable-Electronic-Game/dp/B00NMC6R9G/ref=sr_1_4?s=videogames&ie=UTF8&qid=1468565069&sr=1-4&keywords=SEGA+Genesis+-+Ultimate+Portable+Game+Player



Do anyone here own any of those? Which one I should go for? I know they are different in price, so should I get the cheapest one or the deluxe one or the other one which is just few bucks cheaper than the deluxe? Also what about the saving? From what I heard there is no saving, but is there any way to work around that and save games? Also does PNY 4GB SD card work on it? if not, could anyone who own this device give me a link for the cheapest SD card that works on it please?


What I like about it is the idea of having a full Sega Genesis system in my pocket with all my Sega Genesis games collection, I also love how that small device look, and I love how simple it is.

What I don't like about it, is just the idea of not being able to save my game, I'm planning to use it on travels, so saving my game is a big plus, and this is why I'm considering the second option.


My second option is getting a controller for my Nexus 5 smartphone, I tried one today and it came with Streets of Rage, I could use a controller to play that, but I didn't like how the button layout, they were taking part from the actual video, so it was hard to see the full screen because of this, so does anyone here used their smart phone with a controllers to play Sega Genesis games? Will the button layout on the screen go away if I connected my cell phone to a controller? Also how easy it is to put more games in there? Also if someone here used this method, could you tell me more about the battery? will Emulators eat the battery charge fast? I'm a bit worried about that one.


What I like about this option is I looked up few controllers on amazon, and few of them are way cheaper than the Sega Genesis AtGames Arcade Ultimate Portable, also from what I have read, you can save your games, and I also love the idea of being able to play games from other systems as well.


What I don't like about it, is the Buttons layout on the screen, not sure if connecting an actual controller will make that go away or not. I'm also worried about the battery, I mean without doing anything the battery run out in few hours. I also don't like the idea of turning my smartphone into a gaming device. And I don't like the ads, being an APP there have to be ads lol.


Anyways, which one you guys recommend I go for? And if you recommended the first option, which one of the three I should go for and why?


But to tell the truth, So far I'm 80% going for the first option, simply I love how it looks and how simple it is, but still having a second thoughts about the second option, just because of the ability to save games. Also please don't tell me the sound on the Sega Genesis AtGames Arcade Ultimate Portable is bad, or not worth buying the device for that reason, I know about the sound problem, and truth is, it don't bother me that much, from what I have heard, using headphones make the sound little bit better, not sure how true that is, but even if it's bad, it's not a big deal for me. Also don't tell me buying a controller for my smartphone is better because I could play mobile games better, I'm not interested in mobile games not even a bit, they are nowhere as good as old school games :P


Anyways I'm open for other suggestions as well, as long as it's within my budget and available on Amazon Prime, as I'm leaving on a trip next Thursday and would love to get it before that.


Sorry for the long text of wall and I hope you guys could help me here.


Thank you so much everyone for your time.

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I bought one of the At games portables for a family member as a gift, and I was actually impressed. The screen was better than I thought, and audio was good for a portable. Of course the best part was I bought sandisk SD card (I think any will work) and loaded up most of the roms. Some games don't work, but 90% of them did. I actually didn't want to give it away, but I never really need games on the go. Agreed the lack of saving is a bummer for those certain games, but a lot of games work off of passwords, and you can still use cheat codes to resume where you left off for some games.


For reference, the one I bought was the 3rd link you listed, and I found it at Bed, Bath and Beyond of all places. They actually had a 10% off coupon at the time and only cost me around $33. I have no experience with the smartphone idea, but without hesitation I would recommend the atgames portable.

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I bought one of the At games portables for a family member as a gift, and I was actually impressed. The screen was better than I thought, and audio was good for a portable. Of course the best part was I bought sandisk SD card (I think any will work) and loaded up most of the roms. Some games don't work, but 90% of them did. I actually didn't want to give it away, but I never really need games on the go. Agreed the lack of saving is a bummer for those certain games, but a lot of games work off of passwords, and you can still use cheat codes to resume where you left off for some games.


For reference, the one I bought was the 3rd link you listed, and I found it at Bed, Bath and Beyond of all places. They actually had a 10% off coupon at the time and only cost me around $33. I have no experience with the smartphone idea, but without hesitation I would recommend the atgames portable.


Thanks for the reply, yea I think I will go for one of those, but not sure which of the three to go for. Any other opinions?

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Thanks for the reply, yea I think I will go for one of those, but not sure which of the three to go for. Any other opinions?

Well you could get one of these...minus the speakers those are mine and I love them.


Albeit you will need stacks of batteries or do a Li Ion conversion but can't get more Genny that that especially if you got carts lying about.


Oh and it's old but also 2 player when hooked to a TV.

Edited by Professor Gull
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Well you could get one of these...minus the speakers those are mine and I love them.


Albeit you will need stacks of batteries or do a Li Ion conversion but can't get more Genny that that especially if you got carts lying about.


Oh and it's old but also 2 player when hooked to a TV.


I actually used to own one, but it stopped working couple years ago. I would go for it, but it's out of my budget.

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Hi whitestar, welcome to the fun house. All 3 of those AtGames portable Genesis machines are pretty much the same thing, the main difference being the packed-in games. If you use an SD card full of ROMs (yes your PNY 4GB should be fine), it doesn't really matter which one you get. The unit hasn't really changed since 2008 except for the external colors and embedded games, and there's a new one coming this fall coming with a "nice new feature" that we don't know yet.


I like the AtGames things for what they are, they're certainly cheap enough, and the handheld works well. The screen is small but sharp and bright, with OK but not perfect viewing angles. The sound and music is NOT quite right on these, but if you're not too picky you'll be fine. You can do TV-out with a mini-plug to RCA composite wire. You can't save your game progress on these, so long RPGs are out, but arcade games are plenty of fun this way.


Your Nexus 5 would be a good emulation machine. Most of the good emulator apps will turn off the on-screen controls when you attach an external Bluetooth controller. There are a zillion of them. Get one that suits your hands.

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Hi whitestar, welcome to the fun house. All 3 of those AtGames portable Genesis machines are pretty much the same thing, the main difference being the packed-in games. If you use an SD card full of ROMs (yes your PNY 4GB should be fine), it doesn't really matter which one you get. The unit hasn't really changed since 2008 except for the external colors and embedded games, and there's a new one coming this fall coming with a "nice new feature" that we don't know yet.


I like the AtGames things for what they are, they're certainly cheap enough, and the handheld works well. The screen is small but sharp and bright, with OK but not perfect viewing angles. The sound and music is NOT quite right on these, but if you're not too picky you'll be fine. You can do TV-out with a mini-plug to RCA composite wire. You can't save your game progress on these, so long RPGs are out, but arcade games are plenty of fun this way.


Your Nexus 5 would be a good emulation machine. Most of the good emulator apps will turn off the on-screen controls when you attach an external Bluetooth controller. There are a zillion of them. Get one that suits your hands.


Thank you very much for the info. If the games that come pre loaded are the only difference, then I guess I will go for the cheapest one.


one last question for you if you don't mind. while I'm not picky about the sound and music, so it don't bother me at all, but do you know if it's true that you get better sounds when using headphones?

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I think it sounds a little better with headphones or TV out.


Here's more information than you require about the variations. Note the stuff about the MBD.DAT -- you can customize the menu with screenshots if you really want to geek out.




Thanks for the link, that was very helpful. Will order it today :D

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