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Strange problem with my 1200xl


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I recieved the 1200Xl I traded with kapone for yesterday, and it didn't seem to be working right initially. the LED would come on, but that was it. I took it apart and checked it out and everything seems ok. I did have to clean tarnish off of the power supply port, and then it seemed to work fine! (when it was apart) So I put it back together and hooked it up...and nothing again, just the LED lighting up! I took it apart again, cleaned the power port again, and tested it again with it out of the case...it works fine! So, I put it all back together in the case again and hooked it back up...back to square one! nothing works but the LED light coming on... :sad: Anyone have any ideas what could possibly be causing this? I assume it some kind of a short somewhere, but I can't figure out what&where it could possibly be! VERY STRANGE. I've never seen any problem like this before...I suppose I could just leave it out of the case and use it...but that kinda sucks. :roll:

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Well, I figured out the problem, and my 1200XL is working fine. It was a screw that was shorting everything out. It was one located in the upper right corner, mounted to the heat sink. I'm not sure if this screw is there originally, or if it was stuck in by someone at some point, but it was the culprit. I figure this screw must have originally had a plastic washer on it or something like that to keep it from shorting everything out or something. It may have been there and fallen off when I took it apart and I didn't notice, or, more probably, since the computer wasn't working for me to start with, someone else took the computer apart at some point and lost this assumed washer, and the thing never worked for them again, so it turned up at the thrift store that Kapone found it at. In any case, I figured my problem had to be a screw shorting everything out since the computer worked fine out of the case, and the only difference was that screws were holding it together; obviously it couldn't be the plastic case causing the problem, so it had to be a screw, so I just started pulling them one by one and testing the computer until it worked, luckily it was only the second screw I tried. :D

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Are you talking about the screw that holds the voltage regulator to the heatsink? In that case if you remove it the regulator will fail soon from overheating. Its supposed to bolted tightly to the heat sink. Its normal and OK for the regular to touch the heatsink on the ground tab.


Possibly you have a bad solder joint on one of the regulators. That would cause the problems you describe since the 1200XL has 2 seperate 5v regulators. When one goes the red light and some of the ICs will get power, but some will get nothing.

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No, no problems like that at all, it's working fine now. As I said. It was the screw in the corner that holds the heatsink itself to the mother board, the other spots where the heatsink is attached to the motherboard are attached with plastic clips or "rivets." I do know electronics, I wouldn't be so stupid as to disconnect the voltage regulator from the heatsink! :P

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