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How to calxulate multisprite collision?

Captain Spazer

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I'm trying out the multisprite kernel and it's super awesome. It's so neat that you can have alot of sprites just like real atari games =D However, I'm wondering about calculating collision, just how do you do it?


EDIT: I've heard it's easier to use the DPC+ Kernel for multisprite collision detection. But I'm a bit intimidated. Is it hard to convert an existing project to work in DPC?

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Well, I'm gonna start with DPC+ and see if it's any easier then the multisprite kernel. But at the moment I'm kind of stuck on grasping banking. Can I use any bank for anything or is each bank for certain stuff?



Also, a question on the multisprite kernel: MY enemy sprites are 8x8 and stretched with nusiz#=05. Is there a way to calculate so that if missile0 is in within those parameters an enemy is hit?

Kinda like this? "if missile0x=player2x+8 then player2x=255 : player2y=255

"if missile0x=player2x-8 then player2x=255 : player2y=255

"if missile0y=player2y+8 then player2x=255 : player2y=255

"if missile0y=player2y-8 then player2x=255 : player2y=255

 if missile0x = player1x && missile0y=player1y then player1x=255 : player1y=255

 if missile0x = player2x && missile0y=player2y then  player2x=255 : player2y=255

 if missile0x = player3x && missile0y=player3y then  player1x=255 : player1y=255

EDIT: Actually, it kinda worked! I managed to get hit detection to work with the multisprite kernel! But only if you hit the enemy sprite dead center, any idea on how to expand so the hit detects no matter where the enemy sprite is hit?

 if missile0x = player1x && missile0y=player1y then player1x=255 : player1y=255
 if missile0x = player1x && missile0y=player1y+1 then player1x=255 : player1y=255
 if missile0x = player1x && missile0y=player1y+2 then player1x=255 : player1y=255
 if missile0x = player1x && missile0y=player1y+3 then player1x=255 : player1y=255
 if missile0x = player1x && missile0y=player1y+4 then player1x=255 : player1y=255
 if missile0x = player1x && missile0y=player1y+5 then player1x=255 : player1y=255
 if missile0x = player1x && missile0y=player1y+6 then player1x=255 : player1y=255
 if missile0x = player1x && missile0y=player1y+7 then player1x=255 : player1y=255
 if missile0x = player1x && missile0y=player1y+8 then player1x=255 : player1y=255

 if missile0x = player1x && missile0y=player1y-1 then player1x=255 : player1y=255
 if missile0x = player1x && missile0y=player1y-2 then player1x=255 : player1y=255
 if missile0x = player1x && missile0y=player1y-3 then player1x=255 : player1y=255
 if missile0x = player1x && missile0y=player1y-4 then player1x=255 : player1y=255
 if missile0x = player1x && missile0y=player1y-5 then player1x=255 : player1y=255
 if missile0x = player1x && missile0y=player1y-6 then player1x=255 : player1y=255
 if missile0x = player1x && missile0y=player1y-7 then player1x=255 : player1y=255
 if missile0x = player1x && missile0y=player1y-8 then player1x=255 : player1y=255
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Major update. It seems to work perfect now, man that was a tough nut to crack. Anyway, ladies and gentlemen, this seems to be the way to do collision detection with the multisprite kernel.


First, you need variables to keep track of the virtual sprites, like this:



Put that in the main loop.


Next is the code for the collision:

 if missile0x>q && missile0x<r && missile0y<s && missile0y>t then player2x=255 : player2y=255

And boom, there ya go =)



Proof that this works: Multisprite collision.bin


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Captain Spazer,


With the help of RT and other's I used this in my PacMan Eat and Run Game (I'm revamping it. looks a whole lot better and a few surprises)


rem if collision must be after drawscreen or the player will get stuck
if collision(playfield,player0) then player0x = xprevious : player0y = yprevious

rem ***note*** if just player0 and player1 collision it afffects players 1-9
if player0x=player1x && player0y=player1y then Clock = 0 : if !b{6} && !b{5} then k=15 : m=31 : b{6}=1 : c=0 :goto __Pac_Man_Dies bank4
if collision(player0,missile0) then Clock = 0 : if !b{6} && !b{5} then k=15 : m=31 : b{6}=1 : c=0 :goto __Pac_Man_Dies bank4
if collision(player0,missile1) then Clock = 0 : if !b{6} && !b{5} then k=15 : m=31 : b{6}=1 : c=0 :goto __Pac_Man_Dies bank4
if collision(player0,ball) then Clock = 0 : if !b{6} && !b{5} then k=15 : m=31 : b{6}=1 : c=0 :goto __Pac_Man_Dies bank4

rem collison for PacMan and Fruits
if (player0y + 10) >= player5y && player0y <= (player5y + 10) && (player0x + temp5) >= player5x && player0x <= (player5x + 7) then score = score + 1 : player5y=200
if (player0y + 10) >= player6y && player0y <= (player6y + 10) && (player0x + temp5) >= player6x && player0x <= (player6x + 7) then score = score + 1 : player6y=200
if (player0y + 10) >= player7y && player0y <= (player7y + 10) && (player0x + temp5) >= player7x && player0x <= (player7x + 7) then score = score + 1 : player7y=200
if (player0y + 10) >= player8y && player0y <= (player8y + 10) && (player0x + temp5) >= player8x && player0x <= (player8x + 7) then score = score + 1 : player8y=200

rem ghost collions and artificail intellegiance
if collision(playfield,player1) then player1x = xprevious1 : player1y = yprevious1 : _Enemy_Counter = (rand&3)+1
if collision(playfield,missile0) then missile0x = xprevious2 : missile0y = yprevious2 : gosub __Pink_Ghost_Reset bank4
if collision(playfield,missile1) then missile1x = xprevious3 : missile1y = yprevious3 : gosub __Blue_Ghost_Reset bank4
if collision(ball,playfield) then ballx = xprevious4 : bally = yprevious4 : gosub __Orange_Ghost_Reset bank4


I have also attached the code to help. Hope this helps what you are looking for, thanks.

Pac_Man_Eat_and_Run - 05 Mar 16 (DPC+).txt

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Captain Spazer,


Roger. I got this code from RT. I still don't fully understand how it works. I have an idea per say, but as long it does what I need it to do I'm okay with it.


if (player0y + 10) >= player5y && player0y <= (player5y + 10) && (player0x + temp5) >= player5x && player0x <= (player5x + 7) then score = score + 1 : player5y=200

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