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NUSIZ3{3} = 1 Trouble

Captain Spazer

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I'm having a little bit of trouble with my multisprite game, I noticed sprites can't be flipped the normal way and I tried using

NUSIZ3{3} = 1

But the sprite dosn't flip. What gives?

 rem makes the sprite bigger 

 rem makes the boar move
 if p=0 then player3x=140 : p=2
 if p=2 then NUSIZ3{3} = 0 : _P3_L_R=_P3_L_R-1.00
 if p=1 then player3x=5 : p=3
 if p=3 then NUSIZ3{3} = 1 : _P3_L_R=_P3_L_R+1.00
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Captain Spazer,


For DPC+ I used the following in my program.


rem flip sprite left and right
dim _Bit2_Flip_p1 = var5
dim _Bit3_Flip_p0 = var5


rem player movement
if joy0left then player0x = player0x - 1 : _Bit3_Flip_p0{3} = 1 : _Bit2_Flip_p1{2} = 1
if joy0right then player0x = player0x + 1 : _Bit3_Flip_p0{3} = 0 : _Bit2_Flip_p1{2} = 0


It can be modified for player1-9 as well. Hope this helps, thanks.

Edited by Lewis2907
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Captain Spazer,


I used the following for DPC+


rem animation of squid
if _aminate = 23 then _aminate = 1
if _aminate = 5 then gosub __Squid1 bank6 : gosub __Swim1 bank5 : gosub __Shark1 bank6
if _aminate = 10 then gosub __Squid2 bank6 : gosub __Swim2 bank5 : gosub __Shark2 bank6
if _aminate = 15 then gosub __Squid3 bank6 : gosub __Swim1 bank5 : gosub __Shark3 bank6
if _aminate = 20 then gosub __Squid4 bank6 : gosub __Swim2 bank5 : gosub __Shark4 bank6
NUSIZ1 = $14


Basically from what I understand the NUSIZ1 = $14 will affect the shark. I attached the Save_Earth game I was making. Basically what I did was compiled everyone's code I could find on Bb to learn on my own. I'm still not as good as the other's like RT, Mountain King, PacMan Red etc. but it got me going.


Also http://www.randomterrain.com/atari-2600-memories-batari-basic-commands.html#nusiz explains more on how to use this. Hope this help, thanks.

Save Earth - 22 Aug 16 - DPC+.txt

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