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Pfpixel on / off?

Captain Spazer

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Generic question about games like breakout and the like. How do I go about making something like that? When a ball or missile collides with a pfpixel it turns off. Do I do something like this?


I defined a wall like this:

 rem player1 wall
 pfpixel  30 1 on
 pfpixel  30 2 on
 pfpixel  30 3 on
 pfpixel  30 4 on
 pfpixel  30 5 on
 pfpixel  30 6 on
 pfpixel  30 7 on
 pfpixel  30 8 on
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Thanks. It's a bit tricky but I'll figure it out eventually. Basically from what I understand, I need dim _pf_x = t, dim _pf_y = u in order to check for the playfields x and y values, and do the same for my ball object, and if my ball object collides with the playfield the game would check the x and y values and if it's a hit then pfpixel _pf_x _pf_y off. Am I somewhat getting it? =)

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Thanks. It's a bit tricky but I'll figure it out eventually. Basically from what I understand, I need dim _pf_x = t, dim _pf_y = u in order to check for the playfields x and y values, and do the same for my ball object, and if my ball object collides with the playfield the game would check the x and y values and if it's a hit then pfpixel _pf_x _pf_y off. Am I somewhat getting it? =)

You can dim using any variables. Those are just the ones I chose. You convert the coordinates of the object you're using as the ball to playfield coordinates, then figure out which two playfield pixels need to be turned off.

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Hm, I can't quite figure it out, could I trouble you for a simpler example? Something with just the bare minimum, like just some blocks, a player that shoots when joy0fire is pressed and with just the calculations for a pfpixel collision?



This is what I gathered from the breakout example. I'm not getting any errors but I don't get any pixels dissapearing either, am I on the right track atleast?

   pfhline 0 2 31 on

 dim _pf_x = t
 dim _pf_y = u

 dim _M0_x = missile0x.s
 dim _M0_y = missile0x.r



 if _pf_x = _M0_x && _pf_y = _M0_y then pfpixel 3 1 off

 goto main
Edited by Captain Spazer
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See if this is any better:




I used pfheights to squish down the pfpixels. If you use the larger default pfpixels, you'll probably need to divide by 8 and subtract based on the height of the object. I just play with the code until it works.


I also made a quick one where you can shoot the default size pfpixels:



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