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Pfpixel height and screen resolution

Captain Spazer

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I can't really grasp how this works exactly. I'm trying to make it so that the resolution is fullscreen and so that the pfpixels are much thinner but I can't figure out how it works really, I've experimented alot and either things glitch out, nothing happens or I end up with a very narrow screen height.


Using const pfrowheight=3 gets the pfpixels to the size I want but the screen gets squished, how do I combo up to get a fullscreen resolution with this?

const pfres=32 gets the screen to the desired size but the pf gets all jumbled.

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If you want higher resolution playfields, you can try Superchip RAM and use the handy charts or you can jump to DPC+ and get even better high resolution playfields that have multicolored foregrounds and backgrounds at the same time while having 10 multicolored sprites and other good stuff.

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I can't really grasp how this works exactly. I'm trying to make it so that the resolution is fullscreen and so that the pfpixels are much thinner but I can't figure out how it works really, I've experimented alot and either things glitch out, nothing happens or I end up with a very narrow screen height.


Using const pfrowheight=3 gets the pfpixels to the size I want but the screen gets squished, how do I combo up to get a fullscreen resolution with this?

const pfres=32 gets the screen to the desired size but the pf gets all jumbled.


I'm not an expert but I believe your problem is you've only got enough memory for 12 rows

if you want to fill the screen and you make some rows shorter you have to make other rows taller to compensate


you need more memory


in addition to the options RT mentioned there's the multisprite kernel which uses ROM for the screen

but it has it's limitations

Edited by bogax
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Talk about night and day difference here. I'm doing a Chopper style game where you are a boy with a propeller hat flying around avoiding walls and enemies while collecting apples, works great except the pfscrolling part but that's just a matter of time =) Man, my old version I was about to release, it was ugly as a brick and I'm glad you guys talked me into this. This kernel is just a thousand times easier to use then the old way of doing things with the multisprite kernel. <3


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