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DPC+ Virtual sprite collision trouble

Captain Spazer

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I've figured out many things of the mysteries of DPC+ but this one I can't quite figure out. I'm having 6 enemies on screen and player0 is controlled by the player, and sprites 1-6 are the enemies. Player0 can shoot the ball as a projectice and I'm trying to figure out a good way to do collision detection between player1-6 and the ball. My question is: Do I need to put player2-6's x and y values into variables to detect a collision as with the old multisprite kernel? I atempted this code but it only works with player1, all other gives a compilation error.

 if collision (ball,player1) then score=score+5 : ballx=255 : bally=255 : player1x=255 : player1y=255

 if collision (ball,player2) then score=score+5 : ballx=255 : bally=255 : player2x=255 : player2y=255
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I'm also going to make an example program based on what iesposta posted a while ago:




I haven't looked at it in detail, so I don't know if his code is perfect the way it is or if it needs to be adjusted.

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I've experimented with collision detection on the DPC+ and for the most parts I can get it to do what I want, but now I managed to mess something up, any thoughts on this problem: The code below works perfectly, except for that player2-6x/y won't take effect, their y position won't go to 0 and their x position refuses to randomize,


BUT, if I switch the order of things and put playerx=rand : playery=0 just after trick=x then it works but whatever is put last on the row of code won't work, is the code to long for the 2600 to calculate or did I miss something?

   ;  Width of sprites.
   dim enemyP2=j
   dim enemyP3=k
   dim enemyP4=l
   dim enemyP5=m
   dim enemyP6=n

   dim trick=o

   if !collision(ball,player1) then goto SKIP

   if (bally+4)>=player2y && bally<=(player2y+4) && ballx >=player2x && ballx <= (player2x+64) then trick=0 : score=score+5 : s=0 : player2x=rand : player2y=0
   if (bally+4)>=player3y && bally<=(player3y+4) && ballx >=player3x && ballx <= (player3x+72) then trick=1 : score=score+5 : s=0 : player3x=rand : player3y=0
   if (bally+4)>=player4y && bally<=(player4y+4) && ballx >=player4x && ballx <= (player4x+64) then trick=2 : score=score+5 : s=0 : player4x=rand : player4y=0
   if (bally+4)>=player5y && bally<=(player5y+4) && ballx >=player5x && ballx <= (player5x+72) then trick=3 : score=score+5 : s=0 : player5x=rand : player5y=0
   if (bally+4)>=player6y && bally<=(player6y+4) && ballx >=player6x && ballx <= (player6x+64) then trick=4 : score=score+5 : s=0 : player6x=rand : player6y=0






Nevermind, I found a solution, I just added in this and it works like a charm on this occasion too, sorry for being silly.

   if (bally+4)>=player1y && bally<=(player1y+4) && ballx >=player1x && ballx <= (player1x+64) then score=score+5
   if (bally+4)>=player2y && bally<=(player2y+4) && ballx >=player2x && ballx <= (player2x+64) then score=score+5
   if (bally+4)>=player3y && bally<=(player3y+4) && ballx >=player3x && ballx <= (player3x+72) then score=score+5 
   if (bally+4)>=player4y && bally<=(player4y+4) && ballx >=player4x && ballx <= (player4x+64) then score=score+5
   if (bally+4)>=player5y && bally<=(player5y+4) && ballx >=player5x && ballx <= (player5x+72) then score=score+5
   if (bally+4)>=player6y && bally<=(player6y+4) && ballx >=player6x && ballx <= (player6x+64) then score=score+5
Edited by Captain Spazer
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