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[RELEASE] Neon Run

Captain Spazer

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Here's my second game, it's a racing game that started out as a techdemo to see what I could do with DPC+ Multisprites and I found it to be quite fun so I wanted to share it.



Danger Lexicon:

Neon Racer:


These guys come in many colors and your goal is to drive past them or blast them for points.




Watch out, if you hit these potholes you will surely die!


Neon Railing:


A collision with the Neon Railing is not recommended as your atoms will be spread across the galaxy!



On the titlescreen press the reset switch to start the game.

Move the joystick left and right to steer your car, press the fire button to shoot neon lasers and blast the other cars for points!

When the game is over press the reset switch to start over.


Known glitches:

Sometimes the other racers stack on top of each other looking a bit funky.


What's it about?

The highscore of course, my high score is 175, can you beat it?




Suggestions & Honest reviews are greatly appreciated!

NTSC Version: Neon Run NTSC.bin


PAL Version: Neon Run PAL.bin


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Random thoughts:


Every Atari 2600 game made since 1982 should start if the player presses the Reset switch or the fire button (whichever one the player chooses to use).


You can control the randomness so a new object will only appear within the lines and not hop around because it started outside the lines.


Object animations would be nice.


A game over type of screen would also be nice so it's clear that the game is over. Since there is no crash sound effect, a player might just think that the game crashed. Then on the game over screen, after the 2-second freeze, the player can press the Reset switch or the fire button to restart the game (whichever one the player chooses to use).

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Okay, I've done some animations on the cars, I added sound for when you crash, and a 2-second lockout for when the game is over, and I'm fiddling with controlled randomness, but I can't really get the desired results, any pointers on what I might be doing wrong with this code that handles the cars random positions?

 if player2y>180 then c=1
 if c=1 then player2x=255 : player2y=255 : c=2
 if c=2 then player2x=rand : player2y=0 : c=0
 if c=0 && player2x<30 then c=1
 if c=0 && player2x>130 then c=1
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Look at the "Did You Know?" chart here:




Instead of player2x = rand, you'd use something like player2x = (rand&63) + (rand&31) + (rand&15) + (rand&1) + 21 or something similar. You can put your playfield in this example program and see exactly how far to the left and right a sprite can be placed before it is touching the lines on the side:




Once you know how far left and how far right a sprite can be for your particular game, you can select the correct "rand&" combinations and the correct starting position. For example, if you don't want sprites to start at a position that is less than 21, that's the number you add at the end of the "rand&" combinations. If you don't want your sprites going past 131, subtract 21 from 131 and you get 110. Now you have to figure out how many of those "rand&" things you'll need. 110 - 63 = 47. 47 - 31 = 16. 16 - 15 = 1. 1 - 1 = 0. And that gives us this:


player2x = (rand&63) + (rand&31) + (rand&15) + (rand&1) + 21


Now the sprite will always fit between the lines. It's a version of controlled randomness.



I just added this to the bB page:



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this lets you choose between one of eight

random number shemes r0..r7 and bar graphs the


each bars height is how often its number came up

r0..r7 should return a number in temp1

the result is modded to 0..31

routine is called 255 times graphing the result

then waits for you to press fire

it then reseeds the rand from a counter and

graphs another 255

while it's waiting you can select among routines

using joy0 up - down

r0 is just rand

r1 is RTs scheme for numbers 0..26

r2 is a range of 0..31 scaled to 0..26 the 0..31 are produced with rand & 31

r3 is rand scaled to 0..26

r4 is rand scaled to 0..31

r5 is rand & 31

r6..r7 are rand & 30 which procduces even numbers 0..30

notice the RT's scheme has the numbers bunching in the middle



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this lets you choose between one of eight

random number shemes r0..r7 and bar graphs the


each bars height is how often its number came up


r0..r7 should return a number in temp1

the result is modded to 0..31


routine is called 255 times graphing the result

then waits for you to press fire


it then reseeds the rand from a counter and

graphs another 255


while it's waiting you can select among routines

using joy0 up - down


r0 is just rand

r1 is RTs scheme for numbers 0..26

r2 is a range of 0..31 scaled to 0..26 the 0..31 are produced with rand & 31

r3 is rand scaled to 0..26

r4 is rand scaled to 0..31

r5 is rand & 31

r6..r7 are rand & 30 which procduces even numbers 0..30



notice the RT's scheme has the numbers bunching in the middle


Can you make a DPC+ version of that?


Since the score doesn't change in your posted example, it's hard to know which r# I'm looking at and I don't understand most of the explanations in your post. Are you saying that there is a better way to have a limited range of random numbers so they'll be spread out more evenly? If so, is there a simple way to do it that doesn't involve techniques that are over the heads of most casual bB users?


I also have this on the bB page above the chart:


Warning: Using only division or only AND seems to create visible patterns. Mixing up division with AND seems to get rid of the patterns.


Since the DPC+ kernel has better random numbers, I hoped that it might automatically spread them out more evenly.

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Nice rand app, bogax!


Your r2 solution appears to be 0-22, instead of 0-26. It's alway worth noting some values are twice as likely to come up as others, though these are distributed fairly evenly through the range. So good for a screen position solution that OP wants, but not as good where even distribution is required, like a dice/card simulation.

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Can you make a DPC+ version of that?


Since the score doesn't change in your posted example, it's hard to know which r# I'm looking at and I don't understand most of the explanations in your post. Are you saying that there is a better way to have a limited range of random numbers so they'll be spread out more evenly? If so, is there a simple way to do it that doesn't involve techniques that are over the heads of most casual bB users?


I also have this on the bB page above the chart:


Warning: Using only division or only AND seems to create visible patterns. Mixing up division with AND seems to get rid of the patterns.


Since the DPC+ kernel has better random numbers, I hoped that it might automatically spread them out more evenly.


I forgot to mention that I moved playfieldposition to aux1 in order yo get a contiuous 32 bytes


I'm not very familiar with the DPC+ kernel but I seem to recall that space is even tighter with it


I don't think the quality of the random numbers matters the way you do it

its just that there's more ways to get the middle numbers

which is not to say the DPC+ prng wouldn't help

if you were using that method with the bB prng (which has a cycle length of 255) and

you needed 5 components you reduce the nunber of possibilities to 51 (255 / 5)

what I don't like about it is you have to call rand multiple times


there's javascript here


anged rand code generator


save it with an html extension then open it in your browser


hmm somethings bugged

the URL is http://pastebin.com/6PZ2kLtU

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Nice rand app, bogax!


Your r2 solution appears to be 0-22, instead of 0-26. It's alway worth noting some values are twice as likely to come up as others, though these are distributed fairly evenly through the range. So good for a screen position solution that OP wants, but not as good where even distribution is required, like a dice/card simulation.


oh, heck

yep I goofed it

should be

 temp1 = rand & 31 : temp1 = (((temp1 / 2 + temp1) / 4 + temp1) / 2 + temp1) / 2
I think the distribution is fairly well illustrated
the problem is (I think) the limited precision
here I've added the asm version
so r2..r4 are progressively better precision
if the ARM has hardware multiply you should knock together a routine to
do it as a function (in 32 bits :) ) for the DPC+ kernel



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I'm not sure it's the precision, so much as something inherent with the method - I just wrote a C test with floats, and it has the similar weakness with 0, 5, 10, 16, and 21 being twice as likely as the other numbers.


I think each addition of the rand and the shifted version of itself spreads out the range, and creates spots of lower probability.


Your suggested idea for DPC+ is good, but we're pretty much done for adding functionality to it. I jumped through all sorts of hoops to squeeze bB DPC+ down (uglifying the source in the process) to add what functionality I could. IIRC we're just a few bytes away from stuffing the DPC+ bank.


Maybe the next go around with a bus stuffing kernel, batari will implement user-defined ARM assembly subroutines in other banks.

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I'm not sure it's the precision, so much as something inherent with the method - I just wrote a C test with floats, and it has the similar weakness with 0, 5, 10, 16, and 21 being twice as likely as the other numbers.


I think each addition of the rand and the shifted version of itself spreads out the range, and creates spots of lower probability.


Your suggested idea for DPC+ is good, but we're pretty much done for adding functionality to it. I jumped through all sorts of hoops to squeeze bB DPC+ down (uglifying the source in the process) to add what functionality I could. IIRC we're just a few bytes away from stuffing the DPC+ bank.


Maybe the next go around with a bus stuffing kernel, batari will implement user-defined ARM assembly subroutines in other banks.


I don't think extra precision in the math will help much if you don't have extra random bits


here I've added three


r5 is 16 bit math with 8 bits of random

r6 is 16 bit (plus the carry) math with 16 random bits (rand called twice)

r7 is 16 bit math with only 5 random bits



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Yeah, the extra bits of randomness are certainly required.


Nice on the 16 bit solutions, though there's a half-way solution too. If you take your original r3 version and use 8 bits of random until the final divide, the values with lower probability only differ from the rest by ~10%. Worth it for just a few more more cycles.

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Yeah, the extra bits of randomness are certainly required.


Nice on the 16 bit solutions, though there's a half-way solution too. If you take your original r3 version and use 8 bits of random until the final divide, the values with lower probability only differ from the rest by ~10%. Worth it for just a few more more cycles.


and as you mentioned those extra 10% are well distributed (if those are the right terms ;) )

if one in three consecutive numbers comes up 10% more often, it'll basically be that way for any

range of three consecutive numbers you choose.


having said that


it's been a while since this topic was discussed but my recollection is that RTs method

produces a sort of trapezoidal distribution, at either extreme the probabilities fall off but

in the middle it's probably as good as or better than any other method

so if you want a range of 20..150 maybe you don't care that 20..30 and 140..150

don't come up as often


it's having to call rand so many times that I think is not so good the time it takes being one,

but not the only, reason



I jimmied it so there's room for 20 routines


r8 uses mod it requires a variable but works well I think


edit: for some reason the forum seems to eat the ends of my posts


I added a version number to the name



RT mentioned not being able to see the routine number in the score

I wonder if that's a difference in bB or kernel versions or something

  rnd = (rand & 31) + rnd
  if rnd > 26 then rnd = rnd - 27 : goto mod27
  temp1 = rnd



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r8 uses mod it requires a variable but works well I think

Clever that you added the previous rand to the current rand&31, to remove the seam that using mod usually produces. When looking for ranges less than 128, IMO this should be preferred to the "grab another rand" solution commonly used. (except if memory is tight) It's simple, has a better worst-case iteration count, and the probability distribution should be completely even for each value.


RT mentioned not being able to see the routine number in the score

I wonder if that's a difference in bB or kernel versions or something

When I compile you .bas, the number of scanlines is huge.


I think the reason is the playfieldpos variable is getting stepped on. Your basic code seems to treat the memory between var0 and the alphabet vars as continuous and all available, but bB puts playfieldpos smack between them, at $D5. Did you by chance reorder playfieldpos in your 2600basic.h, at some point?

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Clever that you added the previous rand to the current rand&31, to remove the seam that using mod usually produces. When looking for ranges less than 128, IMO this should be preferred to the "grab another rand" solution commonly used. (except if memory is tight) It's simple, has a better worst-case iteration count, and the probability distribution should be completely even for each value.


When I compile you .bas, the number of scanlines is huge.


I think the reason is the playfieldpos variable is getting stepped on. Your basic code seems to treat the memory between var0 and the alphabet vars as continuous and all available, but bB puts playfieldpos smack between them, at $D5. Did you by chance reorder playfieldpos in your 2600basic.h, at some point?


yeah, somewhere up there I mentioned that I moved playfieldpos to aux1 ($F0)

it appears that dimming it in bB (re)dims it and DASM doesn't complain so I've added it to the bB

0005 is otherwise the same as 0004


edit: DASM does complain (I forgot to save 2600basic.h)

so 0005 is the same as 0004 (in needing a modified 2600basic.h)


for numbers greater than 128


rand - mod < 256 - mod
rnd < mod
rnd + 256 - mod < 256
rnd + rand - mod < 256

( I hope that makes sense)



so you could do this

  temp1 = rand
  if temp1 >= mod then temp1 = temp1 - mod
  rnd = rnd + temp1
  if rnd >= mod then rnd = rnd - mod
  temp1 = rnd



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