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Speedy 1050 v1.0 by Compy-Shop source code (OCRed)


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I've OCRed the Speedy 1050 v1.0 source code to a text file. The original file you can find here: https://atariwiki.org/wiki/attach/CompyShop%20Speedy%20Upgrades/Speedy1050%20Anwenderhandbuch%20und%20ROM%20Listing.pdf


There are probably some typos but I think it is possible to compile the source w/o errors (I hope). :P As there is no dump of this version online, it would be great if this is possible.

Speedy 1050 v1.0 (16.10.1986) by Compy-Shop ROM-Listing.txt

Edited by voy
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I've OCRed the Speedy 1050 v1.0 source code to a text file. The original file you can find here: https://atariwiki.org/wiki/attach/CompyShop%20Speedy%20Upgrades/Speedy1050%20Anwenderhandbuch%20und%20ROM%20Listing.pdf


There are probably some typos but I think it is possible to compile the source w/o errors (I hope). :P As there is no dump of this version online, it would be great if this is possible.

IIRC you need the BiBo assembler (another Compy Shop product) to compile the source. I don't know if and how much compatible this assember is with AsmEd, Mac65, MADS, etc.



Edited by re-atari
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With the great help of Mono/Tristesse, we managed to recover a fully functional ROM v1.0 of the Speedy 1050. :) Mono found some bugs in the original listing because of which ROM didn't work, despite of manual transcribing of the hex codes directly from the PDF file.

Here is the list of these bugs:

- $E0AB - should be $E1 instead of $1E - otherwise, program will jump to $1E00 and will make BRK
- $E7D9 - an address for CPX instruction - should be $F0 instead of $70
- $E98F - 'i' character in the 'informationen' text string
- $EFB8 - buzzer loop's delay - should be $23 instead of $46
- $FFF8 - should be $FFFB.


I attached a binary file and a listing in MADS format.

Speedy 1050 v1.0 (16.10.1986) - fixed by Mono.bin

Speedy 1050 v1.0 (16.10.1986) - fixed by Mono.asm

Speedy 1050 v1.0 (16.10.1986) - fixed by Mono.lst

Edited by voy
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Strange, the $E1/1E and 23/46 errors aren't easy ones for a computer to make. It's almost like someone manually patched the assembly listing after it was generated.


Are you sure on $E98F? Both the hex listing and assembly seem to match for a capital I in INTERNAL.


A ROM check fails on this ROM image because the checksums aren't set, as noted in the comment in the listing. The checksum bytes are almost one's complement sums like SIO, except the final carry is dropped. Unfortunately the checksums also come from the ROM and not from the diagnostic program, so we can't use the diagnostic program to correct the image.


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Yes, two of these ones ($1E and $23) look like typo errors during dtp.

I think $E98F could be a small letter "i" because "Weitere informationen bei:" has a similar style like "Disk formatiert mit:" - not "Weitere Informationen Bei:" and "Disk Formatiert Mit:" (I mean there is no capitals used in texts on boot screen).

Listing hasn't recalculated checksums - in this place are numbers 1,2,3..32 (one for each page). Probably next revisions have correct checksums - calculating and replacing is simple but I stay it as is for historical reasons (our goal was prepare rom in original state).

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Thanks Mathy.

I'm looking into OCRed listing and I see:

E987 37656974          .SBYTE "Weitere informationen bei:"
E38B 65726500
E98F 296E666F
E993 726D6174
E997 696F6E65
E93B 6E006265
E99F 691A

"I" has an $29 code, so maybe typo error has done in "informationen" string?

Of course I can correct rom file (and source) if you wish.

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  • 7 years later...
Posted (edited)
On 11/2/2016 at 6:08 PM, voy said:

Hi @voy @mono


thanks for OCRing/correcting the CompyShop Speedy 1050 ROM firmware.


ABBUC e.V. as the owner of the rights to the CompyShop software decided to open source all CompyShop software under the GPLv3 license.


All CompyShop (and some Klaus Peters) Software/Firmware will be made available as open source on Github starting with the Speedy 1050 firmware.


I've imported your work as a base for future improvements into the repository at



Most other software will need to be disassembled / reverse engineered, as the original source is (for now) lost.


(why now? While the decision to open source the CompyShop software was made a while ago, I've received an request to use parts of the Speedy 1050 firmware by a software developer and that triggered the search for the Speedy 1050 firmware sourcecode)

Edited by cas
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