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Can you stop an ebay scam?


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Long story short, I was contacted on my etsy account by a member letting me know my image for nes flinstones 2 reproduction was being used to sell a game represented as original.


Well I do not like people using my images especially when they are selling something as original when it clearly is not. Needless to say after about 4 emails back and forth w/him threatening me to not mess with him, I finally was able to persuade him to get his own damn picture.


When I say persuade I mean not nicely.


Well now he has a new picture. The problem is during our conversation he admitted he was selling a reproduction game. I know this piece of shit is ripping someone off w/his 2 feedback.


I even opened a case against him by phone and told them to read my emails but ebay still has this POS listing active.



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At least he removed your image. As for the poor souls bidding on this crap, unfortunately there is not much you'll be able to do I am afraid. Ebay wants to make money and they will from his sale...even at the expense of the buyer getting shafted. They will probably turn a blind eye to your case.


The best and only thing you can do is post around and let people know it is not a legit copy. Maybe post on NintendoAge as well.


This is why I try my best to keep buying/selling/trading in trusted gaming circles like right here on AA. Ebay is the bottom of the barrel nowadays. There is still a need for Ebay of course, but I do everything I can to get my dealings done outside of it first.

Edited by eightbit
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Out of interest I "asked a question" to the seller asking if it's a repro.


His reply "See the pictures..... is original 100%".


In eBay message? You can buy it, then open claim and state it is not 100% original but a counterfeit. Open it, I bet it has EPROM and mod. Do a side by side picture with a known genuine NES board using same mapper type and make notations to Flintstone version. With the message there, eBay will side with you.

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