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atari2600land's Blog - wait_vbl_done();


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Working on Frank again. I noticed that most of the Game Boy games using C have this blog's entry title in it ( wait_vbl_done(); ). Mine did not. So, always wanting to conform when it comes to programming, I put it in there. It slowed the program down. A lot. So I worked and worked to get the music and fly's speed up to where it once was. I cleaned my room last night and while doing so I found two Game Boy games: Super Mario Land 2 and Mr. Chin's Gourmet Paradise. I also have a spare Ms. Pac-Man. I guess I thought I didn't have it so I bought it and then found the other one. I'm anxiously awaiting the Game Boy Everdrive to test my game on. It can't come soon enough. I am also awaiting Harvest Moon for Game Boy in the mail. It didn't come today. Found out last night that while not in the 7-day forecast, snow is a possibility here in the next 12 days due to a projected cold arctic blast coming down from the north. So perhaps I'll be able to make Snowman's Land for the ActionMax after all? We'll see. Because I'm not going to do it with just a dusting. I'd need about 1-3 inches for it. It needs to look like it had snowed. I'll also be making a guide for Frank the Fruit Fly. It will be in the form of a faux Nintendo Power article. I had a subscription from 1993 to about a few years before it ended. I still have some from the late Game Boy era (1993-95). Most I have are from 1997 on.

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