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Ebay: Large Bundle or Parting Out?


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I've decided to reduce the number of consoles I have and just focus on the few I love. I just have too much stuff collecting dust and need the space. I'm planning to put some really nice N64, Dreamcast, Saturn, and probably Wii and Intellivision collections on ebay and am wondering what people who sell on ebay regularly think is the best way to go. I would think it would be best to pull the more rare games out and sell them separately and include all hardware and the more common games in a bundle. Obviously the extra effort of more shipments is a factor in this, but if you have any thoughts on it please let me know.



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A lot of time it becomes a "time & work" Vs. money situation...


Personally I like bundles and of course getting some games with a console purchase...In most instances if someone is buying a console, they don't have any games yet. Unless of course it's a "replacement" console or they collected for it ahead of time, or it has backwards compatibility...But those are rare instances.


The flip side, however, is that you get more money if you sell the games separately, but it's a lot more time and work...


I think exactly how you are planning to do it makes a lot of sense...It's kind of a "middle ground" in the time & work vs. money scenarios...

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I've done the exact same thing. I think it really depends on the system, its condition and what you have. I pretty much did what you suggested and sold my systems either by themselves or with a few common games (I think that helps get bids from people coming in cold, so they at least have something to play), and then sold the rarer games separately. If you have boxed systems, I think you can usually sell them by themselves or with just a single game without incurring a penalty and you may make more by selling even the common games in a separate lot. But of course, that's more work for you, so you have to decide what the tradeoff's worth.


If you have any rare *systems*, I think it can pay to sell those separately just as it does with rare games. But that often depends on completeness. If you only have a loose skeleton Saturn, for example, you may as well include some games with it because you won't get anywhere close to full price without the whole package anyway.

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Please let me know what you have for Saturn and Dreamcast before you post on Ebay, I'm always interested to fill my Sega collection. :)

I already put the Saturn on ebay. You're probably not missing much. All the games are loose. It's something a coworker gave to me a few years ago and I finally got an A/V cable for it and powered it up. I'll definitely let you know on the Dreamcast though.

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