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atari2600land's Blog - Idiots and snow.


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The stupid moron who I bought the High Seize from yesterday still hasn't shipped it. Anyway, I got a dumping of snow on the ground yesterday. I went to sleep at 5pm (there was about 3.5 inches of snow then), and woke up 11 hours later and found the coils on the hose laying out front are almost covered in snow. You can barely see the tips of them. It's so bad, even the state offices are closed until noon. (I don't know why noon. The snow will still be on the ground then.) So last night before I went to bed, I went out and filmed the background scenery for the new ActionMax game I said I'd work on if it ever snowed this much: Snowman's Land. My computer was working about as slow as a sloth, so I need a lot of patience if I want to finish this. And I'm not a patient fellow. It was snowing so much it was almost a blizzard. But anyway, I hope to have this done by May 2017 for the ActionMax's 30th anniversary. I designed the snowman and am (slowly) putting them in there. I just started this this morning. 18 seconds took about 18 minutes due to the stupid computer being slow. It quit snowing though. Now it's just going to be below freezing much of the day so this snow isn't going anywhere. At least there's not going to be more snow on top of it.

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