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atari2600land's Blog - Game Boy stuff


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I haven't been working or playing my Game Boy much. I did however, began playing a game I got a few weeks ago called Wild Snake. It's a puzzle game like Columns only instead of blocks that don't move it's snakes that do move. They slither around the grid sometimes uncontrollably. The snow melted and I got outside for the first time in almost a week. Most of the snow is gone since it got to be 40, which hasn't happened in a while. I got a few Game Boy games, which was what got me back into the Game Boy. And I haven't been working on Frank the Fruit Fly at all. I am going to resume working on it soon. I also went to the record store and got a weird Frank Zappa CD called "Frank Zappa For President" which looks to be made this year, which is odd since he died in 1992. It noted it was the 103rd Frank Zappa album. Really? There's that many of them? I know he was prolific but geez.

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