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Anyone interested in games from Poland ?

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In the 90s , many games were written in Poland , usually with good graphics and music.


I doubt that these games were available in the US , so it may be interesting to offer the games there.


Most of the games were action games , jump ´n´ run , space shooters etc. and were in English.Some of the adventure or strategy games must be translated.


Some of the games were quite good so it would be interesting to offer them I think.


2 possibilities : I may get original games on disk and offer them or it might be possible to get the rights of the some games an create new disk versions or even cartridge versions.


The only problem is that some of the games may not work on NTSC systems , because they use a higher resolution or because of timing problems.This must be tested before.



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I think there's plenty of us Americans who'd like to see many of those Polish games. I've downloaded some disk images of a few Eastern Europe games and demos, and what I've seen so far has been QUITE impressive.

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Yes, please! Avalon LK has a ton of XE games for sale on cassette, but they're all in PAL format (and they do take their time answering e-mails).


You'd better check first with Video 61, though. Lance told me that he's acquired the North American distribution rights to a bunch of Eastern European games, and he's translating a bunch (with help from Nir Dary and others) for NTSC machines. :)

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