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It's been quite a while since I pawned my original Lynx I, in the box, with 4 games for a measley sum. I was one of the few that snagged the system at the local Toys R Us the day it was released. I can remember also purchasing Blue Lightning that same day. I have been gaming since the days of Pong, and I now own many different systems, including some handhelds. The one system that has been missing in my collection for many years however, will soon be added. I purchased a brand new

Lynx I from a vendor on the net, and I won 4 auctions on Ebay that contained 9 games total. I should be knee deep in Atari gaming by the end of this week. The games I have coming are:



Chip's Challenge

Steel Talons


Kung Food

Crystal Mines II



California Games (coming with the system of course)

I am looking for many more games, so if anyone has any to offer, please let me know.

It's great to be back.

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Congratulations on your purchase(s), and welcome to the forum!


Besides the guys (and girls) here, Ebay's usually your best bet for finding Lynx games for good prices. I'll keep you in mind if I come across any extras that you don't have. I have a few extras coming (I won another Lynx auction yesterday), but they're all on the list you posted.


By the way, it looks like you got yourself some good titles to start (or restart) your Lynx collection. Klax, Xybots, Steel Talons, Chip's Challenge, and Rampart are some of my favorite games for the system.

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Welcome back to the lynx! I myself just returned recently when Songbird Productions had a sale on some of thier games and I picked up Ponx, Malibu Bakini Volleyball and Cyber Virus, just waiting for a Lynx II system from a trade on this web site and then ill be rocking the Lynx, in the mean time in useing the Handy lynx emulator, but there is no roms for Cyber Virus or Ponx, at least that I could find.

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