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What have you actually PLAYED tracker for 2017 (Season 10)

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My times for the week:


Castle of Dragon - 7 min.
Captain Novolin - 50 min.
Chester Cheetah: Too Cool to Fool - 98 min.
Chester Cheetah: Wild Wild Quest - 10 min.
ESPN Speed World - 3 min.
International Tennis Tour - 110 min.
Kouryuu Densetsu Villgust: Kieta Shoujo [aka Armored Dragon Legend Villgust: Missing Girl] - 205 min.
Sporting News Baseball - 8 min.
Busy during most of the week, and sick the rest. But I did manage to beat the first Chester Cheetah game (which I've beaten before) and Captain Novolin (which I hadn't), while also putting a few hours into a remarkably mindless, cookie-cutter SNES RPG.
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It was a good week for gaming around here this past week, with my wife's PlayStation making a return to form at the top of my household's charts and a much needed revisit to an old favorite handheld for me. :)






Tomb Raider: The Prophecy (Game Boy Advance) - 392 minutes


Pac-Man (played on Namco Museum: 50th Anniversary for GameCube) - 28 minutes

Atari 2600

Lead - 133 minutes

Oystron - 38 minutes

Venture - 16 minutes

Wall Jump Ninja - 93 minutes

Atari 7800

Food Fight - 10 minutes

Joust - 17 minutes

Mario Bros. - 75 minutes

Ninja Golf - 34 minutes

Pac-Man Collection! - 11 minutes


Tomb Raider - 432 minutes

Total Play Time This Week
1,279 minutes (21 hours 19 minutes) [887 minutes eligible]

Individual System Play Times This Week

PlayStation - 432 minutes

Game Boy Advance - 392 minutes

Atari 2600 - 280 minutes

Atari 7800 - 147 minutes

Arcade - 28 minutes

I started off the week by playing the Atari 2600 High Score Club games for the week along with a couple Atari 7800 games, but playing any game for a high score tends to be an activity that I find a lot more frustrating than relaxing; so when I finally got too frustrated with them to continue playing I decided that it was time to call it quits on arcade style games for a while and play something that I would find more relaxing instead. I knew that I wanted to play something with a light to moderate challenge and story to go with it, but I wasn't sure exactly what to play until the spousal unit suggested that I try out a Tomb Raider game since they're all reasonably long and offer a bit of challenge while still being fairly relaxing to play. I thought her idea was a good one and remembered that I have had a copy of Tomb Raider: The Prophecy for the Game Boy Advance sitting in my game drawer for a good couple years now, so I decided to give it a go.

I ended up having a great time playing through Tomb Raider: The Prophecy for the GBA and spent the majority of my time with it playing on the big screen via the GameCube's Game Boy Player, though I did take my game on the go with me a couple times using my Game Boy Advance SP á la an old school Nintendo Switch. All in all I thought that the developers did a remarkable job downscaling the Tomb Raider experience to work within the limitations of the Game Boy Advance's hardware, and after 6 and a half hours or so of thoroughly satisfying gameplay I was able to finish the game. I enjoyed the whole experience so much that I actually went on eBay and picked up a copy of Tomb Raider: Legend for the GameCube as soon as I finished the GBA game, and I should be receiving Legend in the mail later this afternoon.

As far as the misses' gaming time for the past week goes it was pretty heavily focused on a Tomb Raider game as well! She got back to playing the original Tomb Raider for the PlayStation with some serious determination, and aside from a few occasional games of Mario Bros., Joust, and Wall Jump Ninja on the Atari systems it was pretty much all she played this week. I'm not sure exactly how many levels she has left in it at this point, but I know that she reached Atlantis last night so she must be pretty close to the end. Looking ahead to next week I know that I'll be diving head first into Tomb Raider: Legend on the GameCube later this afternoon once the mail arrives, and I think it's a pretty safe bet to assume that the misses will be finishing up her game in the original Tomb Raider on the PlayStation. Tomb raiding for everyone! :lol:

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Tetris: The Grand Master - 300 minutes



Goldeneye 007 - 450 minutes



The Lawnmower Man - 150 minutes


Well, this week has less total playtime than some of the past ones but whatever. Goldeneye is tops for time again, as I wanted to work on some running stuff - I got my Dam Agent time down to 00:54 which is just one second off of the WR pace as tied by like 100something people (not worth any points on the-elite scoreboard anyways) and started on trying Dam 00A which I have at 2:02 - not that bad considering that most peoples PBs are like 1:59-2:01 anyways. A lot of learning this has been just working on learning the level, and moving properly - I'm still using the 1.1 control style which one runner told me on Discord is probably why the best Dam Agent time I've got is 00:54 as it takes a bit more time to switch strafing, but after working on the line and doing the proper lookdown/just getting lucky with guards boosting me, I've been doing alright or so I think. In addition to just running Dam in singleplayer, I got a bit of multiplayer in with friends - it's always good fun to play GE multiplayer anyways


Next up, and something just played now and then during the week, was Tetris: The Grand Master. I've always liked Tetris, I'd say I'm pretty alright anyways, but Grand Master... wow it's a challenge. My best score so far is stage 400, which is after the gravity ramps way past 1G - after level 500, TGM1 caps out at 20G where the pieces instantly spawn on top of the middle block, but I haven't got to that point just yet. I'd say I have a couple frames of hangtime anyways and then I have to slide the piece before locking the thing. It's really fun to play TGM, but dang it's a hard game - I think my goal is to see if I can make it to level 500 at least once by the end of the month.


Finally, Lawnmower Man got brought up - shumac and I sat down with it and ran it three times, then I spent a little time myself. Pretty much we're just doing what we've been doing, keeping with our own strategy... the best time for the week goes to a 24:56 - not a bad run but we've done better in the past. The usual run killers did just that - killed runs - also known as the driving stage. Past that, there's nothing really to say about the game.


So that's the week. Splatterhouse is coming up next week as I'm bringing the board out to screw with - I just want to have a little fun with it anyways. Past that, eh... TGM and Goldeneye, and maybe some Atari? I've got an urge to play with the 2600, so it should be on my post for the next week anyways.

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EVIDENCE OF THE WEEK: ColecoVision Pepper II - 7,485,360 points on Skill 1 (this game should have 7 DIGITS on the score).

Rollovers occur at the following marks: 0:28:26 (1 million), 0:47:07 (2 million), 1:03:38 (3 million), 1:18:21 (4 million), 1:30:55 (5 million), 1:43:22 (6 million) and 1:55:44 (7 million). It's the classic arcade game which I would make for Atari 2600 if I were to make a homebrew game, as I said at 2600 NEW HSC Season 6 during the Homebrews Contest in progress.


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Here's the summary for Week 20, running from May 15 - 21. We logged 4648 minutes of eligible play, playing 45 games on a total of 18 systems.

Top 10:

1. Premier Manager 1 (Amiga) - 739

2. GoldenEye 007 (N64) - 450

3. Tomb Raider (PlayStation) - 432

4. Kaboom (Atari 2600) - 323

5. Tetris: The Grand Master (Arcade) - 300

6. Kouryuu Densetsu Villgust: Kieta Shoujo [aka Armored Dragon Legend Villgust: Missing Girl] (SNES) - 205

7. Pepper II (ColecoVision) - 185

8. Lead (Atari 2600) - 178

9. Hans Kloss (Atari 8-bit) - 165

10. Lawnmower Man, The (SNES) - 150

Pre-NES top 10:

1. Kaboom (Atari 2600) - 323

2. Pepper II (ColecoVision) - 185

3. Lead (Atari 2600) - 178

4. Hans Kloss (Atari 8-bit) - 165

5. Pitfall II: Lost Caverns (Arcade) - 130

6. Wall Jump Ninja (Atari 2600) - 118

7. Oystron (Atari 2600) - 94

8. Bump N Jump (ColecoVision) - 85

9. Mario Bros. (Atari 7800) - 75

10. Kult (Atari 8-bit) - 60

10. Centipede (ColecoVision) - 60

Top 10 systems:

1. Amiga (739)

2. Atari 2600 (729)

3. SNES (634)

4. Arcade (458)

5. N64 (450)

6. PlayStation (432)

7. ColecoVision (330)

8. Atari 8-bit (306)

9. Atari 7800 (162)

10. PC (DOS) (113)

Kind of interesting that eight of our top 10 games are Western-developed titles, no? And of those it's Premier Manager 1 that takes the crown, also earning system laurels for the Amiga, while Kaboom does that thing it's done a bunch of times.

EDIT: Edited to add overlooked SNES time from International Tennis Tour (I forgot to transfer it from my handwritten notes to my text file!).

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By the way, I have considered picking up Premier Manager for e.g. the Mega Drive a couple of times, but since I prefer to use the keyboard shortcuts over moving the mouse pointer across the screen all the time, I'm unsure if the console version is anything decent to play. I believe previously I've mentioned how I have tried demo versions of PM 2 and PM 3, but never got to the point of obtaining them. Perhaps that is quite common, that you love one game in a series, but can't wrap your head around upgraded versions of the same game, where the developers made improvements you don't quite agree with.

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I'm going to be driving all of sunday, so times it is.



Tetris: The Grand Master - 400 minutes


Nintendo 64:

Goldeneye 007 - 350 minutes


Super Nintendo:

Lawnmower Man - 100 minutes

Mortal Kombat II - 45 minutes

NBA Jam Tournament Edition - 20 minutes

Super Bomberman 2 - 30 minutes

Super Smash TV - 30 minutes


Well this was a fun week for me. The biggest game of the week is TGM, and it was cool - I finally broke my mark of level 500! Well, I did it once... I keep getting stuck on 499 now. Pretty much, the way levels work is for every block placed and locked you get a level, for every line cleared you get a level. To get past the 99 in every set of 100, there's another bit - you need to clear a line. This is tough as by progressing through the 99 levels in each set of 100 the gravity goes up alongside the base gravity which is 20G by level 500. So, pretty much I sat down and grinded 499s over and over and over until I finally didn't misplace blocks - I've been focusing on being consistent at getting tetrises early on anyways, so I don't go for many single-line clears alongside just failing by that point.


Goldeneye comes in 2nd, with more WR run attempts on Dam Agent and the start of Surface Agent. They're the two easy WRs, I know, but still they're being a bit tough - I have Dam Agent at a solid 00:54 or 00:55 - I've got the line down and everything. Surface Agent, while easier - no lock to shoot, just a few lines and doors with some grenade tosses if you want to get faster - is being a little bit more of a pain as said lines are being hard and looking down the whole time is a bit of a change from Dam. Still, it's going down and down.. the WR is like 00:22 or 00:23 - just run to the plane - but I'm more in the 00:32 range right now so it needs work.


Past that, the SNES times were all in-school. We took a Raspberry Pi 3 in to two classes - Band and Multimedia - as we're doing about nothing in said classes. Bring out the multiplayer games, run a few tournaments, and just generally have fun - it was great. I also got to take half of a period off to practice Lawnmower Man with shumac which was awesome as a few people were interested enough to listen to us banter on about how the run works.


So that's the week. Party games at school, and speedrunning at home - it was fun. Game Boy is coming out next week 'cause I'm gonna play a bit of GB Tetris, past that I have no plans past the fact that my Tetris TGM2Plus board is arriving so I'll play that (It's from 2000 though so I don't think I can track it on here...?) and Goldeneye will be worked on.

Edited by BurritoBeans
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Atari 2600:

California Games - 16 min.

Cave 1K - 18 min.

Miniature Golf - 4 min.

Miss It! - 10 min.

Mogul Maniac - 7 min

Slot Machine - 5 min.

Strat-O-Gems - 45 min.

Xevious - 6 min.

Atari 8-bit:

Flak - 21 min.

Snokie - 35 min.

Time Runner - 8 min.

So I received the Harmony Encore I ordered for our club, and borrowed the 2600JR that I did an A/V mod onto last year. The cartridge works great, despite my fear that the console would have issues. I noticed the A/V mod leaves shadows on light backgrounds, at least one the LCD TV it currently is connected to, but that is a minor thing. Now the hunt is on to find PAL ROMs, as the majority of the ones I fetched from the AtariAge main page are NTSC.

The Atari 8-bit HSC goes on with a new set of games, rather nice ones though I don't have as much time playing as I would like to.

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I actually played some eligible stuff this week! lol


Sega Master System

Shinobi 37 minutes - Found this one at a local used game place. Was the only Master System game in the place and it was mixed in with the 2600 games. Wasn't a great deal or anything, but I didn't have it.



Alundra 558 minutes (emluated) - I used to have this disc for my Playstation, but it got lost with most of my other games. Started messing around with it and ended up playing it a lot.



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ATARI 2600:

Centipede - 28 minutes

Oystron - 30 minutes

Pac-Man - 36 minutes

Wall Jump Ninja - 40 minutes

Yars' Revenge - 40 minutes



Galaxian - 55 minutes

Pac-Man Collection - 85 minutes

Pepper II - 117 minutes




1) 2600 Yars' Revenge from ProSystem VCS console (991,593 pts on Game 2 B/B) - an excellent game to JIN and other 2600 fans try! :) ;) ;-)



2) 2600 Oystron, last attempt for NEW HSC Season 6, Weeks 17-18


3) 2600 Wall Jump Ninja just for fun


4) Pac-Man Collection on ColecoVision - Pac-Man (normal and hard in the same video)

Edited by oyamafamily
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Here are my times for this past week (May 22th through 28th)...



Rally-X - 8 min.


Atari 2600:

Beany Bopper - 54 min.

Cakewalk - 15 min.

Rally-X - 13 min.



Steamroller - 126 min. in 4 sessions


Commodore 64:

Cobra - 17 min.

Radar Rat Race - 79 min. in 2 sessions


Online (non-eligible):

Pixelo - 44 min.



Jetpac - 14 min.


I started off the week by playing "Beany Bopper" on the Atari 2600. I didn't quite reach 100,000 points, but before you do that, the difficulty jumps up, and at the same time, you start to get less points.


Then I played some Cakewalk on the Atari 2600, but it didn't hold my attention for too long, mainly because I couldn't find a way to improve.


Then I tried the TI-99 version of Jetpac which was coded in Turbo Forth. I only played it online on the JS99er emulator though because it seems to be somewhat difficult to setup.


Then I tried the C-64 clone of Rally-X called Radar Rat Race. This was one of the launch title of the C-64 as far as I know, and it's not particularly good since they crammed the game into 8K and then changed it so that the cars become rats. The steering isn't too good either... it somewhat lags, and turning costs you a bit of time. Sometimes it seems like you don't get your rat to move where it's supposed to go. Then I found the Atari 2600 version of Rally X, programmed by Ed Fries, and it plays noticeably better, with less lag and no turning delay. Also the visible area is bigger so you can better anticipate the enemies and obstacles. The arcade version, however, is best and smoothest.


Then I replayed Steamroller on the Colecovison. I finally managed to surpass the "Activision patch score" of 35,000 points after changing my strategy a bit. The change I made was that I tried to look ahead more, following each possible path after the next intersection and checking if it contained an obstacle or something that's worth points. My gaming became noticeably better that way.


Then I replayed the C-64 game Cobra by Ocean. It has good music based on one piece in the soundtrack which actually doesn't sound that impressive in its original form. But the gameplay is not so great. After 17 minutes it showed a funny glitch where the player got stuck and one enemy continued floating through the air. Since the game wasn't so great anyway, I decided not to wait for another lengthy loading process.


Finally, I tried the game Pixelo on Kongregate which actually turned out to be a series of Nonograms you have to solve. One advantage you get here is that the lines and columns where all the blocks have been identified correctly turn the numbers from black into grey so that you see at one glance that you've completed it. Also, if you try to set a pixel which isn't supposed to be there, that error is uncovered immediately, so your errors can't cumulate.

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Atari 2600

Kaboom! - 230 minutes

Oystron - 30 minutes

Wall Jump Ninja - 133 minutes

Lead - 296 minutes



Kaboom! High score of the week: 105,738


I had a lot of fun playing Lead. At first it seemed too hard but it turned into one of those "one more try" type of games.

I hope I get it for the bracket tournament.



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I actually got some classic time in last week because I bought the X360 arcade versions of Centipede and Millipede during the backwards compatibility sale.



Centipede 7

Millipede 3



I also played some of the new game modes quite a bit. They are mostly annoying and the originals endure as expected.

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Thank goodness for Mrs. Jin and her PlayStation, otherwise we wouldn't have hardly any tracker eligible time to contribute this week! :lol:






Doom II (Game Boy Advance) - 115 minutes

Tomb Raider: Legend (GameCube) - 614 minutes

Wade Hixton's Counter Punch (Game Boy Advance) - 168 minutes

Atari 2600

Ms. Pac-Man - 57 minutes

Atari 7800

Pac-Man Collection! - 11 minutes


Xevious (played on Classic NES Series: Xevious for Game Boy Advance) - 23 minutes


Castlevania: Symphony of the Night - 180 minutes

Crypt Killer - 41 minutes

Tomb Raider - 92 minutes

Total Play Time This Week
1,301 minutes (21 hours 41 minutes) [404 minutes eligible]

Individual System Play Times This Week

GameCube: 614 minutes

PlayStation: 313 minutes

Game Boy Advance: 283 minutes

Atari 2600: 57 minutes

NES: 23 minutes

Atari 7800: 11 minutes

Between my continued exploration of the Tomb Raider series and a couple games on the Game Boy Advance I don't have a whole lot of tracker eligible time to contribute this week. I spent the majority of the past week playing through the exceptionally awesome Tomb Raider: Legend on the GameCube, the story of which ended on a huge cliffhanger and—as I found out after doing a little research online—is continued in Tomb Raider: Underworld on the Wii, Xbox 360, and PS3. I don't own an Xbox 360 or PS3 but I do have a Wii, so as soon as I found out the story of Tomb Raider: Legend was continued in a game for a system that I do own I ran off to eBay and picked up a copy of Tomb Raider: Underworld for quite reasonable $8. That game should be arriving in the mail tomorrow, but in the meantime I kept myself busy by working on playing through a few games on the Game Boy Advance.

The first was Doom II, which is an old favorite that I usually play through once every year, and the second was a more recent find that I picked up from a local game store this week. By some incredible stroke of luck I stumbled on a near-mint condition copy of Wade Hixton's Counter Punch for the GBA for $1.95 at a used game store in a nearby mall, which is pretty astonishing since it's a game that generally sells for $20 to $30. I'm guessing whoever was pricing the games when that one went out on the shelf meant to price it at $19.50 but misplaced the decimal point, but in any case I wasn't going to argue about it and snapped the game up as soon as I saw it. It didn't take long for me to figure out why this game generally sells for so much, since it's by far my favorite Punch-Out!! style game I've ever played. The cel shaded animation is beautiful, the writing and dialog are really witty, the character designs are hilariously wonderful, and it's just the perfect portable game for a quick 10 or 15 minute game break. I've still got two fighters that I've yet to beat in it, and it'll probably take me some time to beat them and finish the game since it does get pretty challenging towards the end. Fortunately I can still go back and challenge previous fighters again and earn some extra cash to buy attack upgrades with, which is fun and easy to do any time I have a few minutes to spare.

Moving on to the misses' gaming time for the week, it was an all PlayStation week for her this past week. She started off the week by finishing up her game in the original Tomb Raider with ease (I don't think she died even once on the last level from what I saw) then, after a couple days of pondering what to play next, started in on Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. She played through this one a couple years ago and really enjoyed it so it seemed like just the thing to fill some time while she waits for a couple games that she hasn't played yet to arrive in the mail from sellers on eBay. She also found a nicer condition copy of Crypt Killer than the one she already owned last week and snapped it up right away, since her previous copy had the UPC cut out of the back of the case artwork and manual, and we spent a bit of time playing it together to test it out. Crypt Killer is always fun for short bursts of light gun shooting action and the time we spent playing it this week was no exception. :)

As far as what next week has in store I think it's safe to say that it probably won't be much different from this past week. The spousal unit will likely be continuing her play through of Castlevania: Symphony of the Night on the PlayStation and with quite a ways left to go in Doom II on the GBA and Tomb Raider: Underworld for the Wii arriving in the mail tomorrow I doubt I'll have much tracker eligible gaming time to contribute. It should still be a darn fun week for gaming though! Until next time, and as always, best wishes and happy gaming to you and yours.

Edited by Jin
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Xevious- 1hr 10min


Sega MD-

Columns- 35min

Tetris- 1hr 25min

Super Mario World(hack)- 15min



Pacman- 10min



Mario Bros- 30min


Sega GG-

Halley Wars- 45min

Edited by zylon
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Here's the summary for Week 21, running from May 22 - 28. We logged 4768 minutes of eligible play, playing 65 games on a total of 16 systems.

Top 10:

1. Kouryuu Densetsu Villgust: Kieta Shoujo [aka Armored Dragon Legend Villgust: Missing Girl] (SNES) - 568

2. Alundra (PlayStation) - 558

3. Tetris: The Grand Master (Arcade) - 400

4. GoldenEye 007 (N64) - 350

5. Lead (Atari 2600) - 301

6. Kaboom (Atari 2600) - 230

7. Wall Jump Ninja (Atari 2600) - 180

7. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (PlayStation) - 180

9. Historyline 1914-1918 (PC (DOS)) - 165

10. SteamRoller (ColecoVision) - 126

Pre-NES top 10:

1. Lead (Atari 2600) - 301

2. Kaboom (Atari 2600) - 230

3. Wall Jump Ninja (Atari 2600) - 180

4. SteamRoller (ColecoVision) - 126

5. Pepper II (ColecoVision) - 117

6. Pac-Man Collection (ColecoVision) - 85

7. Radar Rat Race (C64) - 79

8. Xevious (Atari 5200) - 70

9. Oystron (Atari 2600) - 68

10. Ms. Pac-Man (Atari 2600) - 57

Top 10 systems:

1. Atari 2600 (1133)

2. PlayStation (871)

3. SNES (793)

4. ColecoVision (434)

5. Arcade (418)

6. N64 (350)

7. PC (DOS) (222)

8. Genesis (135)

9. C64 (96)

10. Atari 8-bit (74)

It's a bird! It's a plane! It's a deeply mediocre early SNES RPG! And it -- that is, Villgust -- takes the top spot on the individual charts, just edging out Alundra. Meanwhile, Lead takes the lead in leading the Atari 2600 to the top of the other two charts.

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Atari 2600

Fast Food: 18 min

Fast Eddie: 15 min



Silent Hunter: 119 min


Some High Score Club gameplay, and the final chapter of this playthrough of Silent Hunter. The war is over, and I will probably not get back to this game in the next few months. At what total playtime do I check in by now, thegoldenband?

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