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Memoirs of a Novelty Account - Two Fries and a Hamburger


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Yesterday my heavy sixer stopped working. I opened it up, thinking it was a connection problem, but reconnecting the ribbon cable did nothing.
I read in a forum post that voltage regulators, when they fail, tend to take a few ICs with them. I replaced the RIOT, and it worked for 30 seconds before dying again.
So... Now I have 2 fried RIOT chips (pictured) and a failed voltage regulator. Apparently this is a common problem with the old steel-cage heat sinks, and makes sense because I recently composite-modded the console, putting stress on the VR. I wonder why the online instructions didn't recommend installing a more effective heat-sink?

"We are not liable for any damage done to you or your Atari." Guess that's why.

So if anyone has any suggestions on how to replace the voltage regulator in this particular case, let me know. I'm going back up north, so I won't be able to fix this problem until spring break. Time to focus on the NES I guess.

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