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Joust cartridge question

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That's what mine basically looks like.  I'll take a photo later and post it for comparison.  I assume it is an official release.


It must be. The Atari Cart Dumping project only lists a "square grey case" as a release in 1987, but I'm sure that some rounded ones must have been used as well.

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No, my cart is one of the rounded grey cases (e.g. "Mario Brothers", "Crystal Castles"). I doubt it's a rare issue -- Atari probably just had a few extra "Joust" ROMS and stuck them in the newer cases.

The silver label does stand out on the newer carts, though.

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So, you have a Joust with an XL label and XE cart. :) I have a few mismatched ones myself. :D

They're the kind of things that drive label variation collectors crazy. :twisted:



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I have more of those carts in that case with that label. I think it's not so rarel, but since i'm from europe, maybe it's an european cart or a pal cart ?




I think it was just a fluke -- nothing rare. It's definitely a NTSC cart, though. :)

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I have more of those carts in that case with that label. I think it's not so rarel, but since i'm from europe, maybe it's an european cart or a pal cart ?




Yes, when Atari Benelux vanished, a toystore sold a lot of 800XEs with games for cheap in The Netherlands. I got Pole Position, Moon Patrol, Donkey Kong Jr., Tennis, Joust, and Football in XE cases with XL labels.


Atari probably re-released a bunch of old games when they tried to sell the 800XE and XE games system.



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