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The project is so quiet we're discussing fixing non-related emulators in here, see posts 698 & 699!




Yeah, honestly, that's why I went looking for new content to post. I've been listening to people argue over emulators since 1996 and I'm tired of it. I'm pretty sure if I posted a picture of my dog, someone would find a way to turn it into an argument over emulators.


Maybe they didn't realize the scrutiny they would be under, so they've decided to keep schtum for now? Stranger things have happened...


That would honestly be the smartest thing I could imagine them doing, and if they have that kind of foresight, I give them all the credit in the world for it. However, after talking a big game, not responding does send the message that they really don't have anything to show, and are better off being quiet than outright lying.


Silence, followed by letting the kickstarter date come and go without event, is a viable way out of this for the empty-handed. It'd be yet another vaporware project run by the overly-ambitious, and no one would hold it against them if that's how it died.

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Yeah, honestly, that's why I went looking for new content to post. I've been listening to people argue over emulators since 1996 and I'm tired of it. I'm pretty sure if I posted a picture of my dog, someone would find a way to turn it into an argument over emulators.


..about those virtual pets.. I still have a cat and a dog, programmed in the dot-com era. You had to feed it and walk it. Even came with a pooper scooper. It was beautifully rendered in DirectX 5 and also supported Glide on the Voodoo2. I wonder if It would work on today's machines? Would I need a DX or Glide wrapper or converter? A virtual machine? Or an emulator? Hey how about that! A virtual machine for a virtual pet. :grin: :grin:


Or maybe the damned thing up and up and died of neglect, it's been years since I fed it. :(

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Yeah, honestly, that's why I went looking for new content to post. I've been listening to people argue over emulators since 1996 and I'm tired of it. I'm pretty sure if I posted a picture of my dog, someone would find a way to turn it into an argument over emulators.



That would honestly be the smartest thing I could imagine them doing, and if they have that kind of foresight, I give them all the credit in the world for it. However, after talking a big game, not responding does send the message that they really don't have anything to show, and are better off being quiet than outright lying.


Silence, followed by letting the kickstarter date come and go without event, is a viable way out of this for the empty-handed. It'd be yet another vaporware project run by the overly-ambitious, and no one would hold it against them if that's how it died.

Silence would be an appropriate response if they hadn't already run their mouths on practically every major youtube channel, as well as producing a "prototype" which was just an emulator in a box, which they of course failed to mention at any point. On top of mysteriously not supporting N64 or Saturn, coincidentally the two systems without working emulators. These guys are nothing but lying douchebags, sorry to burst anyone's bubble.

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Silence would be an appropriate response if they hadn't already run their mouths on practically every major youtube channel, as well as producing a "prototype" which was just an emulator in a box, which they of course failed to mention at any point. On top of mysteriously not supporting N64 or Saturn, coincidentally the two systems without working emulators. These guys are nothing but lying douchebags, sorry to burst anyone's bubble.

Seconded. But if they're trying to get out before they dug their hole any deeper, it'll do. We'll file the Retroblox away with the Retron x86.

Edited by godslabrat
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I forgot what was "promised," and when ...


Maybe the project never existed, but they were looking for startup money (apart from crowd funding).


The hater brigade was activated, a potential competitor showed up to draft in their wake, criticism of what little they showed, and demands for more details.


And this is from the retro community, which in theory would be a friendly crowd. The general public doesn't care at all.

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I forgot what was "promised," and when ...

The closest thing to a "promise" that I remember, was them saying that the Kickstarter campaign would be in April (targeting people's tax-return money?).



Anyway, looks like they've not disappeared yet, this was posted on their forum ...


2017-03-14 at 1:33 AM


Hey Foefan, were full steam ahead on the project as usual.


We also have a rather large update thats ready to share but were under a legal embargo until some deals are finalized. We know you guys are hungry for more info so were pushing to get that information ready to announce as soon as possible.


Ahhhhhhhhh, the tried-and-trusted "lawyer" excuse! It's always fun to see that one get used. ;-)

Edited by elmer
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I'm trying to figure out how something can be both "ready to share" and "under a legal embargo" at the same time.

Given the typos and sentence structure, I'd just write that one off to the poor Education System.


It's like trying to read too much into certain politician's statements ... don't try to attribute deep meanings to the words of people who are incapable of deep thoughts, especially when they're posting after midnight.


I read it as a simple, "We've got more information to give out, but our hands are tied.".


Not particularly useful ... but it does show that they've not just gone away.

Edited by elmer
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Yet more verbal diarrhea from a couple of liar hacks. What possible reason would lawyers be embargoing what they say? I just feel sad for the idiots who fund these criminals.

I can think of a few possibilities, but nothing that would be even close to likely. The possibilities that actually seem plausible end in "Coleco is BACK!" or "I shouldn't have trusted Mr. Lee!"

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Yet more verbal diarrhea from a couple of liar hacks. What possible reason would lawyers be embargoing what they say? I just feel sad for the idiots who fund these criminals.


Did these guys kill your dog, or pick on you at school, or something???


You're very vocal with your pronouncements that this system is some complete scam, when there is still little real evidence about WTF is going on inside it.


The RetroBlox guys are making overblown promises about what they can deliver ... and sure, the chance that it can live up to its claims, and do so without using modified GPL'd or Non-Commercial software seems highly unlikely ... but ... there is still a slim possibility, and they haven't actually asked for anyone's money yet.


There's plenty of time to crucify them if/when they do start asking for money, and if they do so without answering people's concerns and really showing the thing actually working with those difficult-to-run carts.


Even then ... we're all unlikely to know if they've really avoided stealing other peoples emulators until (if ever) the thing actually ships.

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There is ZERO I repeat ZERO chance this thing ever sees the light of day in any way they're describing (hybrid emulation LOL). And I just find it sad that people in this community, after having been duped by the Chameleon, are back for more. That's why I will yell from the hilltops that these guys are completely full of sh**. And you know I'm right, despite your best hopes and dreams. It's better to crucify them now so people won't fund their lie fueled kickstarters.


That emulation box they showed off at the convention, and lied about (lie by omission is still a lie), is borderline criminal, and that's just for starters.

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I wouldn't be so hasty to call them complete scam artists. In actuallity they are much more competent than MK and co. They did show off a working proto, even it it's nothing more than boxed emulators. MK tried to pass off a 20+ year old console in a Jag shell as the next big thing, and failed spectacularly.


The Retroblox guys are competant, but they have set Pie-In-The-Sky goals that simply aren't feasible. In other words, they have bitten off more than they can chew, and their "radio silence" or "crickets" may be the result of them changing gears after they've realised their original vision may not be obtainable with current tech.

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There is ZERO I repeat ZERO chance this thing ever sees the light of day in any way they're describing (hybrid emulation LOL). And I just find it sad that people in this community, after having been duped by the Chameleon, are back for more. That's why I will yell from the hilltops that these guys are completely full of sh**. And you know I'm right, despite your best hopes and dreams. It's better to crucify them now so people won't fund their lie fueled kickstarters.


That emulation box they showed off at the convention, and lied about (lie by omission is still a lie), is borderline criminal, and that's just for starters.

I agree with you that everything about this screams "scam", but disagree strongly that this is the time to plant your flag. Until they ask for money, this is all speculative, and we can't accuse them of breaking a deal they haven't technically made yet. Like I said earlier, they may have looked at what they were up against and decided to fade away. Granted, doing so after your big media push makes you look foolish, but it's better to be thought a fool than a thief.


Let's use an example. Suppose I announce to everyone on the forum that I'm going to make a Knight Rider game for the Atari, and it's going to be awesome and have all these neat features. And it becomes clear that I've never written a line of code in my life and the best I can do is draw David Hasselhoff in MS Paint. I can go on and on about how I want to do this project, but I'm only being an idiot. I don't truly become a con artist until I try to profit from my useless project. The day I take pre-orders or crowdfund is the day it goes from being foolish to being nefarious. We need to remember the distinction.

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I wouldn't be so hasty to call them complete scam artists. In actuallity they are much more competent than MK and co. They did show off a working proto, even it it's nothing more than boxed emulators. MK tried to pass off a 20+ year old console in a Jag shell as the next big thing, and failed spectacularly.


The Retroblox guys are competant, but they have set Pie-In-The-Sky goals that simply aren't feasible. In other words, they have bitten off more than they can chew, and their "radio silence" or "crickets" may be the result of them changing gears after they've realised their original vision may not be obtainable with current tech.


Anything less than the promised "hybrid emulation" working off of electricity and apparently "magic", is a complete lie and fabrication. They are completely, 100% incompetent if they deliver anything less...


I agree with you that everything about this screams "scam", but disagree strongly that this is the time to plant your flag. Until they ask for money, this is all speculative, and we can't accuse them of breaking a deal they haven't technically made yet. Like I said earlier, they may have looked at what they were up against and decided to fade away. Granted, doing so after your big media push makes you look foolish, but it's better to be thought a fool than a thief.


Let's use an example. Suppose I announce to everyone on the forum that I'm going to make a Knight Rider game for the Atari, and it's going to be awesome and have all these neat features. And it becomes clear that I've never written a line of code in my life and the best I can do is draw David Hasselhoff in MS Paint. I can go on and on about how I want to do this project, but I'm only being an idiot. I don't truly become a con artist until I try to profit from my useless project. The day I take pre-orders or crowdfund is the day it goes from being foolish to being nefarious. We need to remember the distinction.


Apples and oranges, nobody is saying a homebrew game for the Atari isn't possible, everyone in the know is saying "hybrid emulation" is made up BS designed to fleece people out of money for yet another emulator box. Once the preorder/kickstarter goes live it is already too late to warn people. Most people fund these things in the first 48 hours.


I will repeat they have provided ZERO PROOF of any of their lofty claims. So they learned from MK and decided to fabricate an emulator box that appears to work on a couple of games, how is this proof of competence in anything they propose?

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Well what *IS* hybrid emulation? Because that seems to be the point of contention..


Best I can come up with is:

1- Real hardware like old-school cartridges, consoles, and controllers, and cabinets.
2- Traditional software emulation, like M.A.M.E.
3- FPGA hardware simulation.
4- Hybrid emulation/simulation, a mixture of any of the above.


..which is still very vague.

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