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Vaporware. And Lythium as well. Anyone find it ironic that we haven't heard from either of the creators in a while?

A bit. But I find it even more curious that Mr. R-Blo made an account here just after the announcement, but never bothered to make a single post.

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Vaporware. And Lythium as well. Anyone find it ironic that we haven't heard from either of the creators in a while?


Not really. Once the rubber hit the road I expected them to go silent. The magnitude of what they were trying to do overstretched their britches.

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I thought Lythium was a bit more of a realistic project in terms of having a product exist, but I still could not figure out what essential problem it was trying to solve in the end.


I guess a rom dumper might have been useful to a small few, but how was it going to be better than other ways of playing old games over what exists already or by emulation.

Edited by cybercylon
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Like I say I'm just here for the drama. And I find it amusing that anybody thinks they can come barging onto the scene, throwing fancy "FPGA" and "Hybrid Emulation" terms around, and think they're gonna make a fortune. Or corner the market.


As far as I immediately recall, there are only two accepted FPGA retrosystems floating around, the kevtris stuff and the mist stuff. Maybe replay fpga arcade too.. That's it. If there's more it's all small-fry stuff flying under my radar.

Edited by Keatah
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Not really. Once the rubber hit the road I expected them to go silent. The magnitude of what they were trying to do overstretched their britches.


If they've just packed-up-and-gone-home, then I would actually have a little more respect for them. Better that, than to get people's money on Kickstarter and then fail to deliver.


What amazes me, is that despite their failure to come up with any more hard information, and the complete (and IMHO insulting) silence, there are still a couple of people posting on their forum "I'm so excited, when is the Kickstarter!".


But ... I wouldn't be at all surprised if we hear from these guys again, at some point in the future.

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If they've just packed-up-and-gone-home, then I would actually have a little more respect for them. Better that, than to get people's money on Kickstarter and then fail to deliver.


What amazes me, is that despite their failure to come up with any more hard information, and the complete (and IMHO insulting) silence, there are still a couple of people posting on their forum "I'm so excited, when is the Kickstarter!".


But ... I wouldn't be at all surprised if we hear from these guys again, at some point in the future.

I wouldn't sweat their Facebook fans. The Coleco had those too, as has nearly every other questionable project. They're usually the creator's aunt, cousin, and nephew. I do believe you can also pay people to goon your social media page and cheerlead you.


Anyway, I agree that quietly disappearing is a reasonably noble tactic. They've harmed no one, and probably took an honest assessment of their talents and realized they couldn't deliver. There's no shame in that. If we do see them again, I can only hope that their rhetoric matches their product a little more closely.

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And don't forget the people that want to claim they were "first" on a project, so they can claim they "believed in it from the beginning" and they are "true/hardcore supporters" and other bullshit aimed at giving them a sort of importance.

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I wouldn't sweat their Facebook fans. The Coleco had those too, as has nearly every other questionable project. They're usually the creator's aunt, cousin, and nephew. I do believe you can also pay people to goon your social media page and cheerlead you.

Also the Social media peeps are just cheerleaders. The real money comes from the forum hounds, who actually put their money where their mouth is. This is also the most critical market segment, and if what you're peddling amounts to polished bull pies, they will sniff it out. #noturdpolish

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  • 2 weeks later...



"We just can't choose a new name in a hurry because of where it gets stuck on the system!"


Here's an idea: what if they branded the project with a code name, like every other major console ever, and provided updates on that?


Also, they've convinced at least some people that was was at the con was a legit prototype, despite R-Blo themselves saying it wasn't.

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As far as I immediately recall, there are only two accepted FPGA retrosystems floating around, the kevtris stuff and the mist stuff. Maybe replay fpga arcade too.. That's it. If there's more it's all small-fry stuff flying under my radar.

There's the ZxUno, which isn't small. It's the only "end-user" board to have an x86 (XT) core for now:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I will say this -and I say this with the fair certainty that this machine will likely never see the light of day for a variety of reasons- the idea of having built-in native streaming to Twitch (such as on the PS4 and XBone) is actually really good.


I still do most of my emulation gaming on my Ouya, since it is compatible with the Wii U Pro controller and my 360 fight stick, and serves me very well. For that reason, I haven't been very excited about devices like the RetroN5 or the RetroFreak. I just don't game on my PC, and perhaps that makes me an fringe case for this feature, but the capacity to stream built into the box would very much get me interested -assuming the price is right.


Edited by Akito01
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Please note: This is a technical / educational post, so if youre looking for juicy new tidbits of info on the console itself youll need to wait until next week!

<YAWN> Any new information? ... nope. <BACK-TO-SLEEP>



In the meantime, ASUS has actually started shipping their SBC board with the same core hardware as the RetroBlox POLYMEGA.



Edited by elmer
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Yup... just a name change, and how are they going to allow play of those Sega CD games, PS1, Turbo CD, etc without the bios?


As far as the carts go, I don't see how this would be any different than something like the Retron 5 or Retrofreak that are out already.


So what problem are they trying to solve again?

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With all the time they spent navel-gazing over a new name, they could have announced something concrete. Consider that their Kickstarter was supposed to be LAST MONTH, which was to have all the tech info. Now they're two months late, have nothing to show, and still won't acknowledge that they've been pulling a Kennedy all this time.

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