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Backup Adam CPU's

Milli V

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lol it is just ADAM or COLECO ADAM, to much use of the word "CPU" going on here :lol:



Well... Technically the Adam is the printer, keyboard, one data drive and the cpu (memory console), so I wanted to make sure no one thinks they are getting a complete system. There are people who dont read and would just see the one picture and think wow everything.



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Well... Technically the Adam is the printer, keyboard, one data drive and the cpu (memory console), so I wanted to make sure no one thinks they are getting a complete system. There are people who dont read and would just see the one picture and think wow everything.



Fair enough, funny how everyone interprets things differently, I was confused by the term Backup Adam CPU, which is why I clicked the auction link and read the description, I was thinking "Wha....like a special chip to backup an ADAM? Or just the main processor (CPU)?, to be fair at least it caught my attention lol. Sorry don't mind me, I am one of those sticklers, like when people point at a modern computer case calling it the "CPU", yes the CPU is inside but it's not "THE CPU". I guess in my mind I'd have said simply Coleco ADAM main unit only, it was the BACKUP CPU term that threw me. Well, I am old and crotchety and stuck in my ways, only one specific way of thinking these days. Good luck with the auction then, At least it is a free bump and all will be clear for everyone else if it was not already, might have just been me. ;) :lol:

Edited by OldSchoolRetroGamer
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