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Repair video mod help


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Hello all,


Way back when (2006)? I had my 7800 modded with the RetroKidz 7800 Video Mod (composite) and it no longer works. In short, there is no stable video; when I first turn on the machine a brief image is of the game is displayed (distorted, you can barely make it out) and then the TV loses the signal.




I tested the 7800 and the RF output still works so I'm pretty sure the 7800 itself works fine. I've taken the board out (it's socketed) and replugged in all the wires but with no success (that's the extent of my hardware troubleshooting skills lol).


Does anybody have any suggestions of how I may repair this or have contact info for RetroKidz?


Any help is greatly appreciated.



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Did you try it on the same TV or is it a different one?

If it is a different one can you try in another TV just to be sure.

7800 mod (composite or SVideo) tend to be finicky beast and many TVs do not like the slightly off signal.


I'm not saying it's not broken, just stating that for example mine has an SVideo out that I can use on one TV but not the other, but it's fine (well, added lag notwithstanding) if I feed it into one of those el-chepo SVideo to HDMI converter and feed to either TV that way.

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