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Error 160 with D3 and Error 150 with H: using Altirra


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Hi all,

I'm trying to use Altirra to take the floppies I've been archiving and moving them out of the Atari ecosystem and onto a hard drive by using drives mapped to folders on my Windows hard drive. In doing so, I'm trying to copy files to D3:, where D3 is mapped to a folder. D1 is the OS 2.0S disk, and D2 is whatever source disk I'm trying to copy from. I can access D1 and D2 fine, but anything D3 and above returns ERROR 160 when doing something like a directory listing. I found some docs showing how to test if you have the right number of drives reported by the OS and that's correct, so I'm at a loss here.


The goal here is to copy all the individual files that can be copied (eg: .XEX and personal files) onto something that's not in a .ATR file - I want to get these files out of an Atari ecosystem.


So I tried using the H: method since it works fine on my Mac using Atari800MacX. Altirra can see the H: drive, and if I boot into BASIC, I can even write a BASIC program and save it using "SAVE H:TEST.BAS" and it works, but if I use DOS and COPY a file such as AUTORUN.SYS to H:, I get error 150.


I have no problems with this kind of setup using Atari800MacX so I must be doing something wrong with Altirra.



EDIT: I found that DOS needed to be modified to see 3 floppy drives. I never knew this. Also, the original page I found had incorrect values for what PEEK(1802) should return. Instructions are here:




EDIT2: It's been SO long (30 years) since I did a disk copy, that I didn't realize that you had to type out the EXPLICIT filename for the destination, not just H:. Working now. Keeping this post here in case anyone else has the same problems.

Edited by Starman
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  • 6 years later...

EDIT: I found that DOS needed to be modified to see 3 floppy drives. I never knew this. Also, the original page I found had incorrect values for what PEEK(1802) should return. Instructions are here:

Thanks for the info, I just was wondering why in Altirra the drive D3 doesn't work in DOS 2.5 😀.
Finally I found out a HOWTO here: https://www.atariarchives.org/mapping/memorymap.php#1802

It can be also setup by the tool SETUP.COM provided by DOS 2.5 (see http://www.atarimania.com/documents/Atari DOS 2.5 - 1050 Disk Drive Owner's Manual.pdf, APPENDIX L, The DOS 2.5 disk utilities)


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