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The Knight Rider 2600 project


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Whelp, here we are, 7 years later, and it is still not here. C'mon, Team Savage! We're all waiting!

Be patient! New pics of the game are coming soon:



New pics of the game are coming soon, a lot has changed! Also, the name has been changed, also to be revealed soon. Later.

James for the Savage Team

Edited by Random Terrain
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Whelp, here we are, 7 years later, and it is still not here. C'mon, Team Savage! We're all waiting!

Be patient! New pics of the game are coming soon:



New pics of the game are coming soon, a lot has changed! Also, the name has been changed, also to be revealed soon. Later.

James for the Savage Team

You're right! I shouldn't be so uptight! After all, they are just a little late!

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I'm honestly thinking that Team Savage has a completed project, they're just waiting to release Knight Rider 2600 in the year 2600 so that it's more applicable. I can't say my sources but there's this guy who works at the Safeway I shop at who is part of their marketing team and he showed me some Crayola mock-ups he had done of magazine ads.

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I wouldn't call it active, just obnoxiously bumped every once in a while. Everyone knows no progress has or ever will happen ;)


I'm think this thread just serves as a warning to those who talk big about programming but have nothing to show for it.

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I'm think this thread just serves as a warning to those who talk big about programming but have nothing to show for it.

I guess I need to stop posting in the batari Basic forum then. All I do is talk. Nothing gets done! My 17 year old self would kick the crap out of me for being such a lazy bastard. "You have batari Basic! You can finally make Atari 2600 games! It's something you wanted to do since 1982! Do something!"

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I'm going to make Metal Gear for the 2600. I'm expecting an April release. That should give me time to learn how to code Assembly and design all the levels. I already have the artwork finished and if I can't secure the license, I'll change the name and likeness of the characters a bit. Who wants to donate $$ to see this completed? I'm taking pre-orders NOW!


...And for this project, I'll be changing my screen name to "LongHours".

Edited by KevinMos3
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I'm going to make Metal Gear for the 2600. I'm expecting an April release. That should give me time to learn how to code Assembly and design all the levels. I already have the artwork finished and if I can't secure the license, I'll change the name and likeness of the characters a bit. Who wants to donate $$ to see this completed? I'm taking pre-orders NOW!


...And for this project, I'll be changing my screen name to "LongHours".


Will the truck have started to move?


Hopefully you will be able to not feel asleep working those long hours.

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I'm going to make Metal Gear for the 2600. I'm expecting an April release. That should give me time to learn how to code Assembly and design all the levels. I already have the artwork finished and if I can't secure the license, I'll change the name and likeness of the characters a bit. Who wants to donate $$ to see this completed? I'm taking pre-orders NOW!


...And for this project, I'll be changing my screen name to "LongHours".

Will the truck have started to move?


Hopefully you will be able to not feel asleep working those long hours.

HA! You know that's such an endearing mistranslation that I would never have the heart to change it. As for "I feel asleep"... :sleep: I had forgotten about that line. Perfect response to the "LongHours" name. That deserves a rep point! A great example of why this thread is way too much fun. I can't believe some ppl would like to see it locked.


On a serious note, I just brought that up because I'd been thinking of how a sneaking around espionage game like Metal Gear could be done on the 2600. Since there's no scrolling needed and gameplay itself is rather simplistic, I would think that it would be a good match for the 2600 hardware. Unfortunately, I'd think the text would have to be left out, so none of those classic one-liners. I probably should have saved that post for a more serious thread down the road, but what the hey... I couldn't resist making a joke of it. :twisted:



This thread really needs to die :| ...


I wouldn't call it active, just obnoxiously bumped every once in a while. Everyone knows no progress has or ever will happen ;)

I wouldn't say that. It's got at least as much chance as my Metal Gear proposal being met by April of this year. :rolling:

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This thread really needs to die :| ...


I wouldn't call it active, just obnoxiously bumped every once in a while. Everyone knows no progress has or ever will happen ;)

I wouldn't say that. It's got at least as much chance as my Metal Gear proposal being met by April of this year. :rolling:


You know, you're right! And in this spirit of "can-do" attitude, I'm formally announcing my port of Halo 3 for the TI-99/4A, to be ready to ship by March 31 (give or take a day). I figure... a week to learn assembly on the TI, another week to explore all the nuances of the original game, and most of the rest of the time to design a really cool box and cartridge label. Win! ^_~

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This thread really needs to die :|

Naww... Its one of Atariages oldest active topics. Its a piece history, you know?


Let the thread live!! It is a living breathing document!

I actually got to be the first person to bump it on new years a few years back :)

Its a game around here to see who brings it back as a new year approaches.

Viva Hardwork!


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