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While this is sensationalized, it looks like a "mainstream simple" emulation console... Microsoft used Windows to bring PC's to the ultra-casual crowd with that piece of garbage (windows) and it survived to become a standard. (understatement?)

Maybe something like this will bring emulation gaming to "everyone else" interested in retro gaming outside of smartphone based stuff.


I like the way this looks and is marketed. Sure I can and have used MAME since the DOS days, but modern emulation on Pi machines or any of them is NOT plug and play. Plug and Play is a big market with the "retro craze" thing going on... something like this I believe will fill that gap... and when it does, it will be huge.



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Tyler Bushnell spoke at the Coleco expo today. I'm posting it here, as most of the conversation was about his arcade-style product, Polycade. The basic setup sounds like like Polycade's--and probably Ataribox's.


At about 17:52 he talks about why he moved away from Raspberry Pi toward Windows (spoiler: Steam), and how it allowed for legally shipping licensed games. Also that it opened up playing many retro-style modern games. Pretty much what we speculated previously with Dreamcade/Dreamarcade.








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Tyler Bushnell spoke at the Coleco expo today. I'm posting it here, as most of the conversation was about his arcade-style product, Polycade. The basic setup sounds like like Polycade's--and probably Ataribox's.


At about 17:52 he talks about why he moved away from Raspberry Pi toward Windows (spoiler: Steam), and how it allowed for legally shipping licensed games. Also that it opened up playing many retro-style modern games. Pretty much what we speculated previously with Dreamcade/Dreamarcade.



Nice... Sure wish they have a screen-less option to hook up to my HDTV, since I plan on buying a Steam machine to stream both my PC & emulated games to my bedroom.

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Tempest 4000 could be a possible launch title for Ataribox?


Considering Tempest 4000 is expected to come later this year for PC and current consoles, it's unlikely it will be much of a draw for Ataribox in 2018 or beyond (i.e., whenever it actually gets produced and released). With that said, considering the final form of Ataribox will still likely be a low-end PC implementation, it's likely it will be able to run the Steam version just fine, so in that regard I suppose it would be a "launch" title.


I suspect Tempest 4000 will be a low cost digital only title, maybe $19.99 on Steam and $29.99 on consoles at the absolute max. We'll see I guess. In any case, I just think this is more coincidental timing than anything else, and more a case of Atari just making more use of (and more easy use of, since Minter already has the foundation from TxK, which likely explains the relatively quick release (which is also why it's almost certainly digital only)) the IP they have.

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Didn't somebody already beat these goobers to the punch? I mean, it's still in kickstarter development, but finished products are already in reviewers hands and it appears to be anything and everything the current "Atari" IP troll could produce. It looks like a straight up micro PC running a quad core atom and windows 10 in a pseudo-2600 case. If they hit the price point of 99$, it would be a decent piece of tech to have attached to your TV.






Plus Retron has actual hardware (not 3d graphics) for their 2600 cartridge system supporting 1080p output for the purists.




Or are we supposed to believe in the stellar track record of the folks parking on the Atari name who endorsed or brought us these gems....


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"These fans then often seek out the Atari brand and we want to be there for them with entertainment that speaks to them while staying true to the brand’s roots. If we get it right, our new and old fans will think that Atari is still a cool brand that’s doing cool things with cool partners."


In the article, their CEO admits the "Atari" company is just a brand management entity who is exploring licensing in all areas of "transmedia". That explains quite a bit of their track record. I don't even think they're doing a good job of squeezing the last few cents out of a formerly valuable brand. Someone with half a clue could do what they're trying to do better, and probably build the brand value up to a higher state. Instead, these guys are just shilling it out on bumper stickers and crap. Too bad, but I'm calling them irrelevant because they can't seem to ever "get it right."

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Why all the gymnastics with streaming. Why not simple direct connect?


I absolutely love Steam In-home streaming. I get the 'simple direct connect' - thought completely, but I have nothing but good things to say about In-home streaming. I have a PC that is only used as a gaming/media-server tugged away in a corner of my office (no monitor or anything). In my bedroom I have a Steam Link that I stream to, I also stream to my main PC (in the same office) and to my laptop downstairs or in the garden. In out house we're great fans of Nvidia Shield TV, however, streaming from Steam to that is touch and go. The same go for the Nvidia Shield tablets. But when it works...it's great. But I don't use the Shield-stuff for game streaming anymore. Game streaming has to be rock-solid and work everytime, otherwise you get that: "will it work this time or not" - attachment to it. Only Steam streaming is rock-solid. You just install Steam on all PC's and it sees 'itself' right away.


Having the option of playing your games everywhere in your house is amazing. Especially with family life.


It has not escaped my attention that you might worry about input lag. I do have some experience with low-lag setups, like the arcades in my arcade room or older consoles etc. The video encoding/decoding does take time and add to the lag. Maybe 20-40ms? But still, I am playing Hotline Miami everywhere at home. Use ethernet or 5ghz. 2.4ghz will make everything unplayable.

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Here's another cheap little mini PC that can be attached to a TV or a monitor and play every retro game, in addition to doing entertainment and work tasks.




Bring your own storage, RAM, and OS (tip: Linux is free) and get this starter kit for $133



Here's a readymade with Windows 10 for $189



These are REAL products, available RIGHT NOW, as in YOU CAN BUY THEM, without crowdfunding or "Atari" shenanigans. Even if you're not feeling "tech savvy" enough to plug an SD card into a Raspberry Pi, this stuff is EASY and CHEAP. If you're still waiting for "Atari" to make it easier for you via their weird locked-down vaporware box, there's no reasoning with you.

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Well what the fuck is "transmedia" ?? When companies use these big-ass words and shit I automatically know they're blowing smoke up asses. Heh. Maybe their first pack-in game (or free download) will be called Donkey Kick or something. That should sound as stupid to those executives as "transmedia" sounds to me.



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"Atari describes the smart baseball hat as a social synchronous broadcast application that enables multiple Speakerhat users to experience music and other programming simultaneously, and in perfect sync."


..not sure what all that means or anything. It might be bullshit. Or it might be something brilliant and way over my head :ponder:

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