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New Atari Console that Ataribox?


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6 month booster shot:


Who's the target audience for the VCS?

Michael Arzt: It's interesting. The target audience is two mind sets and two groups. If you think about the broad Atari audience - we're obviously targeting the Atari audience, right? - but the Atari audience you can really draw a pretty solid line down right around age 35, so everyone over age 35 remembers us one way - they grew up with us, played the old consoles like the 2600 or played in the arcades and all that, and they have a certain nostalgic recollection and feeling for the brand. That's one group, and there's things on this for them.


But all the modern stuff, which will also appeal to them as well - they watch Netflix, listen to music, all that stuff - but then the other idea is all these things we're doing now, everyone under the age of 35, they think of Atari a different way. They will buy the faded T-shirt - the hipster dude down in Soho or whatever, right? - they think about Atari as this cool, old brand like so many other cool old brands, but they're the ones buying [retro-styled things like] Mini Coopers. So we're going to create something that's got things for them.


What do they care about from an entertainment standpoint? They care about games, of course, they care about Hulu and Netflix, and Spotify and Pandora, they care about social media, they care about communication and chat, so all that stuff will be there for them as well, so this will be a product that will appeal to that audience. [This will be] giving them a device that will let them do all that stuff they care about on their TV, is hopefully something that will be appealing to them.


There's other things we're not in a position to talk about yet that this will do, that will I think enhance some of what I'm telling you even greater.


Meanwhile, in case you were wondering, Tin Giant is still looking for the "any" key.





You might be an artist who would like to introduce yourself and your work here or maybe you’re a business with a mission to describe.


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As I was writing code for my shiny new Atari 2600 Tetris game just a few days ago, I heard Atari's CEO on Fox Business in the background talking about the new console (and also about stocks, of course...)



I wonder if this is all an elaborate "pump and dump" scheme.. that isn't working.

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I wasn't implying Centipede came out in '85,...I meant I'd have been blown away in '85, if I could play an Arcade Accurate version of Centipede at home.


Had the 7800 come out on time, you could've had a near-arcade version of Centipede in '84. Although even by then, Centipede was already considered "old".


Fortunately, the days of Atari failing to come out with promised consoles built around outdated games are long in the past. :roll:

Edited by Nathan Strum
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Had the 7800 come out on time, you could've had a near-arcade version of Centipede in '84. Although even by then, Centipede was already considered "old".


Fortunately, the days of Atari failing to come out with promised consoles built around outdated games are long in the past. :roll:

To be fair, the 5200 version of Centipede is a lot more arcade authentic, but the 7800 version is a lot more fun to play.

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There is no love for Nutari. Especially with the fact with copyright trolls lurking around. And an empty wooden, paper box.




He looks genuinely happy in that photo. As happy as a typical unsuspecting Atari fan eager to plunk down their hard-earned money on a dubious crowd-funded non-existent video game console probably looks.


Then one day - nothing shows up in the mail.


Then they look like this:



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