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Are YouTubers Ruining Retro Gaming?

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Retrogaming is a very tiny niche field outside of internet forums and select arcades.

I am afraid I have to agree on this one.


Regularly I am filling in online surveys (for gift cards, so basically a similar kind of money that the YouTubers are trying to make!) and there is one reoccurring one where you are supposed to fill in your hobbies and interests. This type of survey has now run for at least 3-4 years and still in July 2017, these are the choices for hobbies and interests:


Climate issues, Religion, Reality TV, Wine, Making music, Fitness, Icehockey, Racing, Household economy, Pets, Physics, Environment issues, Bags, Nature, Charter trips, Shoes, Reading books, Space, Outdoor activities, Investments, Meet new people, Write and read blogs, Charity, Watch TV, Tennis, Parenting, Write books, Marketing, Photography, Hardware, Watching movies, Design, Family, Association activities, Gardening, Partying, Play an instrument and sing, Cooking, New technology, Politics, Listen to music, Health, Golf, Cars, Backpacking, Poetry, DIY, Entrepreneurship, Architecture, Celebrity news and gossip, Football


Yup. Those are all the typical hobbies and interests people of today are supposed to be into. No kind of gaming at all, not even if you broaden it to include modern gaming, PC gaming, online gaming etc. Not even Poker or Casinos are major enough to fit on the top 50 according to the survey makers, though Bags are. Of course this could be a very skewed view and as someone commented elsewhere, perhaps gaming is so common that it is not really considered a special interest anymore, but is watching TV in general unique enough to be listed?

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Well, skip ahead and get dem mad Metal Slug ducats, I dunno. :D

While, I see your point, I also think there are enough Metal Slug videos already. That would kind of spoil the point of the series.


Yup. Those are all the typical hobbies and interests people of today are supposed to be into. No kind of gaming at all, not even if you broaden it to include modern gaming, PC gaming, online gaming etc. Not even Poker or Casinos are major enough to fit on the top 50 according to the survey makers, though Bags are. Of course this could be a very skewed view and as someone commented elsewhere, perhaps gaming is so common that it is not really considered a special interest anymore, but is watching TV in general unique enough to be listed?



Edited by DJ Clae
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The answer is unequivocally yes! Youtube puts all the smartphone-era idiots in the spotlight. And more than 90% of game reviews on YT are loud screaming messes without focus. Not to mention it encourages hoarding.. And they often get the historical facts wrong.


And just when you think it's over, you get bombarded with requests to follow their channel.


Thank you for this intelligent post that describes this perfectly. I hate most "youtuber" people that have any sort of stupid useless commentary I don't care about and or stupid music inserted in to the video--that pretty much goes across all types of content such as games, automotive, and etc. I also avoid "review" or "gameplay" videos precisely because they are almost 100% all douche bags and do the aforementioned things from your post. I'll only click on a gameplay video if I see "no commentary" in the title. There is also morons that know they have an influence on the retro collecting community and the retro game prices and purposely use their youtube channel platform to fluctuate the current market.


What useless people they are.

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^Going to basically third that. I avoid online video unless for gaming it's a non-yapping long play to get a true playing feel for something I may want to buy or download to play. If i want loud obnoxious behavior and music I'll write those pricks off too unless it's what I want, like an Epic Rap battle video because at least they're capable of actual thought and good amusement with production values better than a highschool video course room pile of garbage.


I have 3 subs in all these years Star Trek Continues which has almost nothing left to it being a 4th season, Epic Rap Battles of HIstory, and finally Brave Wilderness as that guy does some amazing work. Conversely anyone begs me for one on a game forum or elsewhere, I wish you had one of those comedic buttons you see on tv for a computer where you tap 'punch face' and the other side a fist pops out of the screen and deck the dude for being annoying.

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Yeah that or that fairly recent movie called The Box. If you push the button on the box, you get a million, but someone dies...maybe anonymous, maybe not, but you know legally free but not guilt free you killed someone for cash. Except in this case, the box is someone going 'sub to my channel' and each time they do that, they get punched in the face. :)

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I think I started making videos too late. It's very frustrating to sacrifice your whole weekend three weeks in a row to make a video and then struggle just to get to 200 views. I am grateful that people are watching, and it's quality over quantity, as it seems to be the correct audience watching, but it's annoying all the same. We're not great with social media or anything so we don't know what we're doing wrong. I've heard things could change after hitting 1,000 subs, so I hope that's true.

With that kind of defeatist attitude, you may as well toss in the towel now.

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Youtube is like anything else on the internet. Pretty much optional. And full of choices. You can easily pick and choose what you watch. If you get a vid with long noisy introductions, loudmouthed nonsense, it's but a click away to something else more sane.


Youtubers ruining gaming, gamers ruining youtube.. All one and the same. Take a deep breath and play the very games your watching on YT. Do some reading, form your own opinions. Much of YT is a cesspool. You know it. I know it.

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Youtube is like anything else on the internet. Pretty much optional. And full of choices. You can easily pick and choose what you watch. If you get a vid with long noisy introductions, loudmouthed nonsense, it's but a click away to something else more sane.


Youtubers ruining gaming, gamers ruining youtube.. All one and the same. Take a deep breath and play the very games your watching on YT. Do some reading, form your own opinions. Much of YT is a cesspool. You know it. I know it.

In short:





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Is the ratio still pretty much 50% cat videos 40% people doing stupids things and the remaining %10 a plethora of learn it and see it videos?


DJ Clae for making videos ask yourself this.


Is it for money and fame? OR

Is it because you like to do it and it gives you personal satisfaction?


Be honest and keep doing because as most smokers would tell you quitting is stupid so why do it if you really don't want to.

Quitters never win either.


Game on.

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With that kind of defeatist attitude, you may as well toss in the towel now.

That's obviously what we're debating right now as a channel. Thanks for the encouragement, btw. It has already slightly negatively affected my job and although my wife is a big supporter, she is not happy about the schedule.


I have no interest in youtube fame, and don't expect money. Just a decent handful of views and comments would be nice to acknowledge my efforts. A few thousand views would be good at this point. I'd like to know that what I'm doing is good for something.

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You do what you want, ignore the twit and his comments and for that fact everyone else's (myself included back in the neo-geo thread here) both positive and negative. Just think about what you're doing, set a schedule, stick to it, and leave time for both things. If that means one video a month or two a month, fine, go for it, if not, quit if that works best.

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That's obviously what we're debating right now as a channel. Thanks for the encouragement, btw. It has already slightly negatively affected my job and although my wife is a big supporter, she is not happy about the schedule.


I have no interest in youtube fame, and don't expect money. Just a decent handful of views and comments would be nice to acknowledge my efforts. A few thousand views would be good at this point. I'd like to know that what I'm doing is good for something.

I will give you guys a sub and go through your stuff. I am leaning to looking for newer folks reviewing as some of the others are just getting too opinionated in a bad way for me to support for my tastes.

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That's obviously what we're debating right now as a channel. Thanks for the encouragement, btw. It has already slightly negatively affected my job and although my wife is a big supporter, she is not happy about the schedule.


I have no interest in youtube fame, and don't expect money. Just a decent handful of views and comments would be nice to acknowledge my efforts. A few thousand views would be good at this point. I'd like to know that what I'm doing is good for something.

Right then. Chin up and keep plugging away at it. You have only been doing scripted videos for three months and compared to your sub count your views are decent. You need to keep things in perspective and can't expect large numbers at your point (and realistically, you never should). If you feel your content is taking up too much personal time, then learn how to trim the fat in your content.

Edited by Austin
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If you aren't providing something new or fresh or exciting to the format then you aren't going to succeed, simple as that. There are only two gaming youtube channels I can think of which actually provide content that is as good or better than your average cable tv show. Game Chasers & My Life In Gaming. Any new youtubers I would suggest you model your content after them, because they do it the best.


I don't think you're going to get subscribers and viewers putting up 20 minute reviews of random neo geo games. If your video is longer than 5-10 minutes, it needs to be INCREDIBLE. Nobody watches anything past 5 minutes unless it is.

Edited by Tusecsy
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I supposed I never really thought about this in this way before. I can see many sides to this and understand. I do make videos that I post on YT. But I do NOT have the monetizing enabled and I only make the videos because I'm trying to share the interest and enthusiasm I have for our hobby. Most of my videos are tech related and I create them fairly detailed more as a teaching tool I suppose? I do have two pickups vids that I did and I've seen they are the least viewed LOL! But that's cool and it tells me what does or doesn't interest people.


I do game play reviews but they are very much non scripted and just me talking about how a game is played, and my thoughts on the graphics, game play, and audio aspects of the game along with presentation of how the game comes received. But so far I've done that on games that I really thought were deserving of more attention and hope to get more word out about them. Not for collecting purposes, but because I think they are fun or not so fun to play.


I guess as youngin' to YT, for those that typically don't like to watch YT, what are the things you like to watch or see talked about? I can understand not being interested in a certain game, or the way the material is presented, but then the only way those of us to make videos know...is if we are told.


ehh..if nothing else my vids on YT will serve me in the future as reference material for how I did things or should have done them better.

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I think the pretentiousness of certain VG fans is just ruining it in general. I know I'm the only girl who posts here on the regular,and some sexist a-holes are biased about my presence here,but whatever. If videogaming were thought of less of a "boy's club" then I think more people in the mainstream would find it less "corny" and acceptable imo.


Suffice to say, no, I do not feel Youtube is ruining anything in particular. I also find the term "retro gaming" to be hilarious. It's all just gaming to me really.

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I have no interest in youtube fame, and don't expect money. Just a decent handful of views and comments would be nice to acknowledge my efforts. A few thousand views would be good at this point. I'd like to know that what I'm doing is good for something.


Were you handed your current job and salary, or did you have to work towards it? Go to school, time in the field, interviews, promotions etc..? Think of youtube results in the same mindset. You aren't owed views and subs, just cause.

Edited by keepdreamin
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I blame Jay Leno for driving up the price of the McLaren F1... damn him.




I could care less about hidden gems videos and their impact on the market, I like them because it exposes games that need it. If you really wanna play rare games for cheap there are isos and everdrives.


All of that being said, your comment is textbook apples and oranges.

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All of that being said, your comment is textbook apples and oranges.



Not really. Jay Leno is the most popular car collector in this country...and most people learn about all these exotics (and automotive hidden gems) from his YouTube channel. Most people feel that the reason why the F1 is over $10 million now, when it initially didn't have much mainstream interest is directly because of his online videos.

Edited by Metal Jesus
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Not really. Jay Leno is the most popular car collector in this country...and most people learn about all these exotics (and automotive hidden gems) from his YouTube channel. Most people feel that the reason why the F1 is over $10 million now, when it initially didn't have much mainstream interest is directly because of his online videos.


I feel the popularity of it in video games has a lot more to do with it, been drooling over that since the late 90's thanks to NFS2, I dont care that 20 years later some unfunny fat man clown farted out a youtube video on it

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