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PC ditto NTSC 3.01

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Thank you for this! I remember actually running this back in the day to take advantage of a few apps I saw my Dad using at his work... NTSC here.

It's all good! I've all most lost this copy the floppy disk was bad it was a good thing it was on one of my old hard drives! PC ditto is one my first emulators I've used next to ST xformer it's funny how my fist two emulators was on the Atari ST!

Edited by walter_J64bit
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It's all good! I've all most lost this copy the floppy disk was bad it was a good thing it was on one of my old hard drives! PC ditto is one my first emulators I've used next to ST xformer it's funny how my fist two emulators was on the Atari ST!


I remember not quite understanding as a kid why the ST couldn't emulate the 8-bit at reasonable speed.. I was thinking, it's a 16/32-bit process.. the Atari ST is *clearly* more advanced.. why isn't it working? Now I know much better! . (In many ways the 8bit IS more advanced :) ).


I also have good memories of playing with the XFormer on the ST, in addition to PC Ditto. 20 MB Supra Harddrive made things a lot easier.. Transferring files from the 8bit to the ST was done over modem, and of course ST/PC was easy with either modem or floppy..


Good memories!

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And just to be fair, in many ways the ST is more advanced than the 8bit line...


It goes *both* ways....this discussion is old and jaded, lets not start it again.


How about, the 8bit was a super advanced wonderful machine for its time!




The ST was a super machine offering "Power without the Price" for its time!


:) :) :)

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Emulating just an 8-bit CPU is one thing, but also having to emulate all that special hardware like the POKEY & GTIA chips with just software really requires blunt horsepower.


That said ST Xformer was real good for running Atari BASIC programs that don't need a lot of speed like assembly based games do.

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