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Double Click Software Internet Archive Museum (Official)

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Hello everyone! Michael Vederman and Paul Lee here to tell you about our new website just created: The Double Click Software Internet Archive Museum (Official)

We have released all of our software, freeware, shareware and commercial releases in one official place.
We've scanned in all our manuals, ads, articles, photos, DC Port schematics and pcb art and more.

The history of Double Click Software, how the partners met, and some historical context has all been provided by me, Mike.
I've scoured the internet for online articles and linked to them and have looked for some of our really old software.

Currently, I've been unable to find the original release of DC Formatter, named "The Formatter", on any server or ftp website. (please see attached help screen from DC Formatter 2.2 which mentions "The Formatter" first release).

Paul hasn't found it either.

I, stupidly, sold all of my equipment and hard drive with all DCS source code to the then president of the Houston Atari Computer Enthusiasts (altho I have no idea who he is now) in 1993. I sold him the rights to everything, basically, altho I would really like to find him and that hard drive now. Help me out, if you can, to find the DCS source code.

Speaking of source code, we will, as we sort it all out, be adding our source code to a github and releasing that and linking to it on our website.

It is hosted on my personal website (deadmike.com) so don't worry about that. That is another tale of my 'life' after Atari and why I dropped out of sight. :)

So, without further ado...

The Double Click Software Atari ST Internet Archive Museum (Official)



Oh yeah, did I mention that the museum features an in-browser Atari ST emulator loaded with DC Desktop and our software (that you can download in ST file format)? And a few surprises.





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I will be glad to be pointed to a resource for lazy loading pdfs to implement that. thanks for volunteering to beta test our website. :)


No problem, I freaked out seeing all that stuff being D/L'ed but it's not too bad (I'll go through them later).


Anyway, thanks for making DC Formater and Xtract which were my most used ultilities during my ST days. I also had DC Stick(?) when I was waiting for a mouse replacement to be shipped, the Genesis gamepad worked great with it.

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No problem, I freaked out seeing all that stuff being D/L'ed but it's not too bad (I'll go through them later).


Anyway, thanks for making DC Formater and Xtract which were my most used ultilities during my ST days. I also had DC Stick(?) when I was waiting for a mouse replacement to be shipped, the Genesis gamepad worked great with it.

Cool, a real life story! I think we all had that happen, which i think prompted that pow. I compressed all the pdfs and, depending upon the pdf browser depends upon how much gets loaded. so, i'd be interested in knowing what you are using. adobe is crap, chrome seems to work well and guess that uses some built in viewer. :)


I'm looking at a few things, but nothing implemented. i mean, we all have cable now no longer 1200 baud. :) I did make the manuals a manual download (pun intended), those are bigger. :)


I'm also looking for someone who might have a copy of the PACE video where I'm interviewed on it so I can capture it and put it up. :)



- m

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No problem, I freaked out seeing all that stuff being D/L'ed but it's not too bad (I'll go through them later).


Anyway, thanks for making DC Formater and Xtract which were my most used ultilities during my ST days. I also had DC Stick(?) when I was waiting for a mouse replacement to be shipped, the Genesis gamepad worked great with it.

OK, I just implemented a click load for the pdfs, i couldn't get a focus type to autoload when it is in view. :/ Please let me know whatcha think.


- m

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Any chance I could get the entire machine configuration for your emulated desktop as something I can transfer to my ST? Seems like a nice, tidy, "best of" config.

It's a bit of a challenge. i suppose i could make it easier and put it in a zip.

Select the disk image you want (what you see is the default on drive A: & B: until you select otherwise) an click on download, you will then have a .ST file which looks like a 1.5 mb disk (yeah, I took advantage of using the emulator). Now that you have the .ST emulator, the next step is to download STEEM. Configure STEEM to use a hard drive, which will be on one of your hard drives. Boot up STEEM with the disk you want mounted as A: or B: and open on the ST desktop. (Go into the steem config and setup disk access to go in fast forward to make disk operations faster). Then just copy from the virtual drive in STEEM to the hard drive in GEM and that will then copy them to your hard disk which you can move to disks to get over to the ST.


We put all the actual installation disks on drive B: with drive A: 1.5MB disk being a mashup of tools I used to use.


You can also run the images on the ST apaprently:




Anyone have TUrboST 1.82d (patched for DC Desktop) or Quick ST II? :) STEEM emulates the blitter but you know... ;)


- m

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Any chance I could get the entire machine configuration for your emulated desktop as something I can transfer to my ST? Seems like a nice, tidy, "best of" config.

OK, updated under downloads is a link to grab a zip with all the DC disks. You still would need to download each manual individually, so you at least look at a little bit of the website. :)


- m

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Great news and great software. You made some of my favorite tools at the time.


You might want to post at http://atari-forum.com as well. It is a forum more dedicated to the ST line that atariage. Very possible that somebody there still holds a copy of the original DC formatter. A pity that you don't have the source code anymore.


I don't have my source code. Paul still has his source code and is still looking at backup disks. Keith, afaik, still has his source code. It's just me who lost his mind at the time and sold my stuff. :/ Now I can say I had a hard blow to my head, but back then I was just young and not looking back. I didn't envision a future of emulators and reminiscing about old computer systems. :)


As we sort thru it we will put up what we have. It's DC Desktop which we prolly don't have, all the rest I'm optimistic we can recover parts of. I'm even hopeful I gave a copy of DC Desktop source to Keith since he collaborated with me on it. But all the manuals in Pagestream are gone for sure and any works-in-progress and I know I had DC Desktop 1.2i lined up with some fixes... :./


- m

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I don't have my source code. Paul still has his source code and is still looking at backup disks. Keith, afaik, still has his source code. It's just me who lost his mind at the time and sold my stuff. :/ Now I can say I had a hard blow to my head, but back then I was just young and not looking back. I didn't envision a future of emulators and reminiscing about old computer systems. :)


Ah, ok, glad to hear that most of the sources were not lost. Probably you don't need it, but if you need help recovering data from old floppies or ST hard disks just let us know.


And don't blame yourself too much for what you did. Most of us made similar mistakes. :)

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OK, I just implemented a click load for the pdfs, i couldn't get a focus type to autoload when it is in view. :/ Please let me know whatcha think.


- m


Yep, all good now. I was using Firefox in case you're wondering...


Anyway it was great reading through all the stories and old articles from the ST days. :)

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  • 6 years later...

Figured this is the appropriate thread.


If you use DC Xtract 220c - do you see the text of the archive listed in the main window? mine on several machines is the same color as the background.. I cant see anything.. its there.. I can select it.   


Anyone else?



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11 hours ago, Bikerbob said:

Figured this is the appropriate thread.


If you use DC Xtract 220c - do you see the text of the archive listed in the main window? mine on several machines is the same color as the background.. I cant see anything.. its there.. I can select it.   


Anyone else?



Hi James,


Probably can try a few things, start by disabling other ACC's and background programs, basically a stock ST setup and see if you still have this issue. Also, is this a newer archive file (assuming .zip)? Might not be compatible with the newer stuff. ☹️ If the file is not too big, send it to me and I can see if I reproduce the issue.



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4 hours ago, plee said:

Hi James,


Probably can try a few things, start by disabling other ACC's and background programs, basically a stock ST setup and see if you still have this issue. Also, is this a newer archive file (assuming .zip)? Might not be compatible with the newer stuff. ☹️ If the file is not too big, send it to me and I can see if I reproduce the issue.



WOW, very cool your still around Paul, thanks.


I have tried this on my 3 types of machines, NOT tried it on EMU yet, Hatari might be a good test for that. I am trying it on ST(4mb) MegaSTE and TT030.   This is the 220c version.. last one that you put out I think.  Now the archive is a LZH - when you try and decompress it, it states .... see pic. So maybe thats the issue? the program still loads. It is also attached 46k - everyone I have downloaded over the years is the same lzh archive of 46k - so I am pretty sure its the only one out there. I have not found a 220b or 210.. etc..



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20 hours ago, Bikerbob said:

Sorry for the hassle, I always forget, try again in a basic setup.. YES, it does not seem to work with NVDI - WHY? im not sure.. but that seems to be the issue.. bummer.


Ran into that issue a couple of times here myself.


For example, FANSI (the ANSI editor) will not work with NVDI, neither will the IGS (Instant Graphics) software.


I just leave NVDI disabled when I'm using them..


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