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Great Concept for new Home Brew


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Sorry I can't program a gerbil much less a 2600 game, but

check out this great helicopter / lander like game.


Its amazing what you can do with up/down and one button,


The only thing I think they should add is a damage indicator, so that

you can hit the wall at least a few times before you die.


My high score is a 748, by the way.



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Her: Hey, you! Stop doing that!

Me: Uh?

Her: Why are you putting that towel over your head like that?

Me: You what???

Her: The towel. It's upsetting my children. They keep asking what you're doing. Benjamin, come back here.

Me: I'm re-lighting my cigarette. It's windy.

Her: I know what you're doing, and it's disgusting. I don't want my children seeing that kind of thing.

Me: Do you want your children to hear loads of swearing?

Her: No!

Me: Well go away then.


Stupid bitch.

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Sorry I can't program a gerbil much less a 2600 game, but

check out this great helicopter / lander like game.


Its amazing what you can do with up/down and one button

:idea: Actually there has been some brainstorming about such a game in [stella] more than years ago (search for SFCaves 2600). Yes, it looks possible. :)


BTW: 1220 :D

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We were obsessed by this game at work for a while. In fact I posted a link to it a few months ago. I was picturing the VCS version to use the driving controllers to control the airspeed and the button would just start/restart the game.


Btw the way, here 's the high score I hold at my job :D

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I first saw this game as "SFCave" for the PalmPilot, but that version was slow on the color models. "Cave Run" for Palm is a bit slicker.


Since then I've seen it many places, a version on a UK Xbox promo site, even an add for Orbitz. It's a cool little game, and one that got me thinking about "one button" control...actually, I'm not sure which came first, JoustPong or my exposure to this game. Probably JoustPong. Still, fun game.

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Sorry I can't program a gerbil much less a 2600 game, but

check out this great helicopter / lander like game.


Its amazing what you can do with up/down and one button,


The only thing I think they should add is a damage indicator, so that

you can hit the wall at least a few times before you die.


My high score is a 748, by the way.




494 so far.


This WOULD make a great 2600 game.

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there is an atari 8 bit version in the mini game compo 2003 called 'superfly 1K'!


really nice : http://starbase.globalpc.net/minigame/



Glad that you like it.

The NTSC fixed version (removed flicker on NTSC A8's) still isn't available on this side :(

You can get the latest version here: http://www.atari8bit.de/superfly.zip



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BTW if you play the version hyperlinked using a numeric keypad for your mouse, it's actually a two button game, not one: zero to "hold down" and fly up, and the . next to it to release (in effect go down). I've found this is a very effective way to play, because you can rapidly alternate between the two to fly level, or just remember "up" and "down" instead of "hold down" or "don't hold down." :D

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