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Question about 8-bit monitor cable?


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Are you talking about the cable that goes from the Genesis to the TV?

I'm talking about the monitor or AV cable.


I know the Genesis 1 and Genesis 2 AV cables are different (still looking for a decent priced Genesis 2 AV cables for my Nomad). I looks like the Genesis 1 AV cable is the same as the 8-bit's monitor cable.

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I did with my Atari800


Was it a 5-pin DIN cable? The standard Genesis AV cables, are in mono, and only have the 2 RCA jacks on them. 5-pin DINs I think. I believe I tried this out on my 800XL and it worked without color on my tv, maybe I need to retest.


And DEBRO, I have a Genesis 2 AV cable, but it too is in mono, let me know if you want.

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You are correct. I just checked and my XL is a 5-pin port as well. I was using a 5-pin cable with my 800XL apparently without color then. I'm not sure what the deal is then. :?


The TI-99/4a I think, and some C64's I know, had 8-pin ports. I've used both 8-pin & 5-pin Commodore video cables on my tv with these computers, and remember a similar issue with color.


That's why my original question was asked. I think the stereo Genesis av cable, would probably be an 8-pin din. But it wouldn't be compatible with the 8-bits regardless. So maybe something's wrong with my XL or my cable I was using.

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How do you mean color? I can see color just fine using the 5-pin cable with both the Atari800 or a Sega Genesis 1 (I used the SegaCD's audio ports to get stereo audio). :? :?

If the XL series requires more pins just to get color, I have no idea.

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Actually, I used my Atari800 (not XL) cable with the Sega Genesis 1. I wasn't able to get stereo audio from that same cable, but it didn't matter (since I was using the SegaCD L/R audio ports instead). The same cable also works with a C=64...even though the port allows 8 pins, it made no difference).

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I guess I'm not being clear enough. I'm not sure what the problem is with mine, cable, 800XL, or me. :P I just know I hooked up my 800XL, with a 5-pin AV cable, and for some reason, it only worked in B&W. I would have to find what I used and retest it all out to figure out what went wrong, but right now I can't remember.



I didn't mean the XL series require more pins to get color, I'm saying/thinking, maybe some cables are mapped differently, depending on what they are used for. The 8-pin DIN video cables from Commodore were for separate Chroma & Luma, and single mono sound. The 8-pin DIN cables for Genesis were single composite video, and separate audio stereo sound.


I think they may be made differently. I seem to recall, using an 8-pin DIN from a C64, on a TI-99/4a, and I had to connect the two RCAs together to form a color picture.



But I was most definitely using a 5-pin video cable with my 800XL and only getting a B&W picture.



Don't let my ramblings scare you from trying. :)


Nothing I did broke anything, I simply remember not having a color picture, and was wondering what kind of cable Nukey used. It wasn't until after he said the Atari is a 5-pin only that I realized that what I was originally asking wasn't even neccessary. As it would have to be a 5-pin Genesis cable to work.


And DEBRO, I'll PM you back in a bit about that other cable. I got to get some stuff mailed off at the post office here in the next 30 minutes.

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BOTH the C64 and Atari 8-bits have seperate chroma/lumina AND composite lines as well as the mono audio channel. The last line is either ground or...? I have NO idea what the other pins on the C64's monitor port/cable are for, they aren't needed as far as I can tell, and may just be dead pins. The B&C 5-pin DIN cable they sell for about $15, works perfectly fine with the C64, Atari 8-bits with a monitor port, and the Genesis 1. One end is the DIN and the other has four RCA jacks; two for chroma/lumina if you hook it up to a Commodore monitor, or use an adapter that is female RCA (plugged onto the end of the B&C cable-RCA end) to s-video to use on an S-video capable TV and the other Two RCA plugs are composite (yellow video) and mono audio to just hook up to a compostie monitor or a TV with the composite (standard video) jack on most TV's made in the past 10+ years.

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That would make sense...it seems that my cable only uses some of those pins (the composite video and the audio) - since it's only wired with two RCA plugs. Perhaps the reason that he's only getting B/W is because his cable is wired to the audio and chroma instead. So the better solution is to get the cable that has all 4 RCA jacks and eliminate the guesswork :)

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Thanks for the help. I plugged up my Genesis 1 AV cable and got some color but it's so fadded it might as well be B/W.


I also saw the wires were crossed. I had to plug the audio cable into the video port just like you said.


It was a quick fix to get an 8-bit ATR image (see Where can I find Casten Game Disk?) .


Thanks again.

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OK I've hooked my 800XL back up again. :P And I took pictures with the Genesis av cable & thru my switchbox, so I know my 800XL displays color. And also of the same cable, hooked back up to my Genesis, and it plays with color too, so I know there's nothing wrong with my cable. I also took a quick shot of XEGS, just to show the similar game, thru composite inputs, no switchbox. I compressed all these images down greatly so to not take a much of loading time, but I think you can see from the pictures what I'm talking about by the B&W looking picture quality of the 800XL thru Genesis av cables.


I guess the only variable that I haven't confirmed would be the video port of my 800XL is messed up, while the RF port is fine? I guess this could be a problem. But the picture is actually crystal clear when using the Genesis av cable, only not the right color. :?



And Gunstar, do you have a picture of this cable you are talking about? I'm curious what it looks like. I would think that the composite is still just a combination of the two Chroma/Luma signals.





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As Gunstar said whilst the socket might always be 5 pin, the pinouts are different.


The cable B&C provide has all 4 RCA jacks. It will work with the C64 and the XL/XE but you use different jacks. The white jack provides the video which tends to confuse me as on every tv in the house white means audio.


As for my first post, apologies, I'd forgotten the genesis had a monitor out :ponder:

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BOTH the C64 and Atari 8-bits have seperate chroma/lumina AND composite lines as well as the mono audio channel.


Only the XE models have a Chroma signal. On XL models you need to use Composite Video. If you try to use Chroma/Luminace on an 800 XL you get an almost B/W picture which is not purely B/W. The Luma signal on the XE model is truly B/W.


Attached the pinouts of the monitor connector of XL/XE/C64 and C128 models.


I hope this helps.




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