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atari2600land's Blog - Fooling around with assembly


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I thought I'd try my hand at Atari 2600 assembly again. It took a while to relearn stuff I'd forgotten, but two hours' worth of work got this binary file attached here. The batch file says there are 23 references to unknown symbols and 31 events requiring another pass, but it works. Since I have about 1500 bytes left, I figure I might as well add a song, so I'll do that tomorrow. Think of this as a demo, not a game.

Mom is still insistent on taking all her pills to die, so I've decided to hide mine and keep hers in my pockets at all times so she won't try to search for them like she did earlier. :mad: I don't know what her problem is, she can't eat and she's wasting away. Pretty soon her organs will shut down and she'll die. Sure she drinks Boosts and tries to eat stuff, but she keeps saying she can't. And it's not enough. I told her if she can swallow and chew then she CAN eat, but she doesn't listen to me. I think this is the beginning of the end for poor Mom. Soon she might be in a better place. Oh well. Who would have thought Dad would outlive Mom?

Might as well add the code for the demo for the curious.

Attached File(s)

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