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atari2600land's Blog - Fooling around with assembly part 2


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So I spent the better part of 2 hours working on this little project of mine for no apparent reason. I tried to make one lemon using the playfield. All attempts failed. Until I decided to just bite the bullet and make two reflecting lemons. This pleases me now. After all, it's "my history teacher ate lemons," not "a lemon." I don't know why I named it that. I name stuff weird stuff I think up in my head. I don't know what my history teacher ate. Perhaps he did eat lemons. Or maybe he was a she. Or maybe I had more than one. I don't remember, I successfully blocked out all painful memories of school. Well, most of them anyway.

I plugged in my Atari 2600 and put this binary on the Harmony cart. It works great. It's all centered on the screen nice, but with black bars at the top and bottom. I don't know where they came from or why they're there, but at least I made the picture centered. Next up, tomorrow I will add the music. I also spent the day working on the Secret Government Waffle Project. That was hard. This was hard. All programming is hard. Even INTYBasic is hard. Life is hard. But somehow I manage.

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