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atari2600land's Blog - My teacher ate 2,600 lemons.


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So while I was looking through my 2600 manual collection, I came across a Desert Falcon manual. And I thought "Wow. They made new 2600 games up until 1990." Then it occurred to me: If people make homebrew 2600 games, then I should make another one, too. After all, my name isn't IntellivisionLand. So I began work on a 2600 version of My History Teacher Ate Lemons.

While working on it, I decided to make the sky visible, so I could do some neat stuff with it. An example is a bird flying in the sky and you shoot it down and it turns into a ladder so you can go over the wall. But you have to shoot it in just the right location.

Anyway, once you get to the lemon, it's the end of that build. And you're an excellent gamer if you can exit the metal rain maze unscathed. I was only able to do it once and I programmed the thing.

I went to bed with work to do. Originally the second wall was supposed to be a river, but the bullet changed to a blue color the same as the river, so in order to make the bullet color uniform throughout the game, I changed the river to a wall. Ultimately, the goal here is to bring to the 2600 a genre it has seldom seen: Adventure. And I hope to limit myself to 32k.

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