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What was your first complete game company collection?


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Just like another member recently, I completed the entire collection of Mythicon games (ok only 3 games in their collection but it is a start). I am curious as to what company did everyone who has been collecting complete first?

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I want to finish off all the Activision titles. So far, I'm missing H.E.R.O, Ghostbusters, Spider Fighter, Double Dragon and a few other titles.


I have a lot of Parker Brothers and Imagic carts so I can't be far off from completing those collections. I collect those games loose as I don't believe I have enough room for more boxed games so far.

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My first was Activision, then Imagic, then Parker Bros. All cart only. I'd like the get all the manuals for the Activision carts (missing 12). I'd also like to have a complete Atari collection with manuals someday, but I see NTSC BMX Airmaster, Ikari Warriors, and Motorodeo being a little out of my tax bracket :roll:




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I completed my Activision collection first, followed by Imagic (except for PAL Wing War), then CBS. Parker Brothers is next, I only need Qbert's Qubes, although I'm not looking forward to shelling out the large amount of cash necessary to get that one. So far I've never spent more than $25 on a cart, which is close to my limit, so I may never get it. :( I've got reproduction copies with repro labels for the ultra rares like Quadrun, Crazy Climber, etc., as I'll NEVER spend the amount of money necessary to get the originals of those. In my mind, my repro copies count toward completing my collection of original atari games. :D


I'm guessing most people probably start with Activision, they probably have the best collection of great games!



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My first complete company collection was American Videogame's, which was easy because they only made one game " (Tax Avoiders)", Then I have all the games from (Absolute). Then I have all three of the (Mythicon) games. And a have a few other complete collections.


:ponder: :) :)

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Well my first complete one was Mythicon only 3 games and cpu sent me the last one i needed


then cpuwiz sent me a few ebay links to spacemaster X-7 and after i won one finally that completed my 20th Century Fox games



and i have a few other companies that i need 1 to 3 left to complete, but im happy that i got the Fox collection complete

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Froggo was my first as well. In the mid nineties you could buy a set of shrinked Froggo games on every (virtual) street corner.


My latest complete collection is Answer (Malagai, Gauntlet, Confrontation, PGP-1) :cool:




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Wow. I remember reading about something like that back around '82 or '83, but I didn't buy the magazine that had the article in it, and never found one of the systems. I assumed it never shipped.


I remember the ad/article showed a modified version of a game (River Raid, I think) and it said you could alter the graphics of your games, which is what I wanted it for.


I don't recall if the one pictured here is the same one though. It seems to me the other one was different, but it's been so long, I could be mistaken.


Major nostalgia rush, there. Cool stuff.


Back to the topic at hand...


I never intentionally tried to collect any manufacturer's games completely, since every one had games they put out that I didn't like. I only bought them to play, although after the crash I bought a lot of dirt-cheap games I never ended up playing anyway.


I suppose my first "complete" 2600 collection would be either First Star (Boing!) or Sunrise (Quest for Quintana Roo), since they're only one game each. I bought them both about the same time.

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I'm pretty sure it was Epyx. For whatever reason I scored all three games right away very early on, so early in fact that I didn't even realize it was a "complete set" until much later. With the Front Line I have coming in the mail, that will be (I think) my fourth, after US Games and Imagic. I'm a Beamrider away from having Activision done too.

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