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In defense of Hat Trick


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Hat Trick is often near the top of the list of worst 7800 games. When you compare it to other 3rd generation console hockey games, like Slap Shot for Sega and Blades of Steel for NES, it's just not in the same league. But I still enjoy it, and here's why. Its one-on-one simplicity makes it a quick pick up and a great party game- drink a Labatt every time you get scored on. And to paraphrase Obi Wan, I look at it from a different point of view. Compared to the other home console ice hockey games, it falls short. But as a home version of the arcade game (which is what the 7800 was best at) I think it succeeds. The designers never set out to create a sophisticated hockey game. They set out to create a home version of arcade Hat Trick (like they did with Galaga, Centipede, Dig Dug, etc.) and I think they captured the look and experience of the arcade game pretty well (well, except for the audio). Anyway, that's my view - discuss...

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I've evolved my feelings on Hat Trick since first popping it in years ago. Yes, it's simplistic - but playable at least. When you think about it, Hat Trick is little more than a slightly fancier, free roaming version of tennis or pong. Just wish it ran a little smoother is all.


Never thought of playing it with a trakball - will have to give that a try!

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I love arcade Hat Trick! I used to play it with my friends in the arcade all the time. It is a lot like Activision Ice Hockey. Simple, but fun. The problem with the 7800 version is that it is so choppy. Really, there is no excuse. If the 7800 can run Robotron smoothly, then Hat Trick should not be pushing the hardware too much. Seems like either a rushed development or lazy programming. ?

Edited by Noah98
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I do think that Hat Trick has room for improvement. Come on, Bally Sente could have added power-ups or different rinks just to spice it up.


Well, I know how the 7800 version could be improved...


1. NATIVE TRAK-BALL SUPPORT. [just like the arcade original]. Of course then you run into the problem of CX22s and CX80s only having 1 fire button. And if anyone mentions that Video 61 fake 7800 Trak-Ball, I'll hurl a few E.T. cartridges in your direction.


2. Use more RAM/ROM for improving the animation.


3. HSC *if* it's one of the few launch cartridges that didn't feature it. I don't remember and I don't have an HSC cart, a Concerto, or an XM to test whether it does.


4. POKEY audio.


Otherwise, it's a great game if you have 2 players.

Edited by Lynxpro
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I find the choppy movement of the characters in the game ruin the whole thing for me.


I love the arcade game but Inky's right, the choppy animations are just horrible. If that were fixed I'd probably own it today. Maybe someone can hack it for smoother animation. I love me some old school hockey video games.

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