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The Best Assembly Computer - File Data


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This is how the data is stored in files on this type of computer.

NOTE: This is a work in progress. I will be updating this post as I think of stuff to put on here.

Bytes $20-$7F represent the standard ASCII character set. Character $7F represents the cursor symbol.

Bytes $00-$1F are control codes.
$00 - ROM Section Header
$01 - Palette
$02 - Graphics
$03 - Mappings
$04 -
$05 -
$06 -
$07 -
$08 - Set Tab Width
$09 - Tab
$0A - Line Feed
$0B - Comment Tab
$0C -
$0D - Carriage Return (same as $0A)
$0E -
$0F -
$10 -
$11 -
$12 -
$13 -
$14 -
$15 -
$16 -
$17 -
$18 -
$19 -
$1A -
$1B -
$1C -
$1D - Change Label Line Color
$1E - Change Label Line Toggle
$1F - Toggle Show/Hide Labels

Characters $80-$FF are more control codes.

When the file is saved, it is compressed using LZSS.

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