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SpiceWare's Blog - SpiceC dasm usage figured out


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In the prior SpiceC blog post I showed what a config file would look like:


Turns out dasm does not support constants for include files!?!?!? So I updated dasm ;)

After getting that issue resolved, I created a few dummy kernels that displayed different colors to confirm that the kernel selections were working correctly. A key part of how that works is all Score Kernels include a constant defining how many scanlines they'll use:
       ldx #192 - SCORE_SCANLINESKernelLoop:           stx WSYNC       ;        DIGITAL_AUDIO   ; 5  5        txa             ; 2  7        and #15         ; 2  9        ora #$C0        ; 2 11 green        sta COLUBK      ; 3 14        dex             ; 2 16        bne KernelLoop  ; 2 18

I do plan to allow some control for the score kernel heights - you'll be able to adjust the font size so the config file will contain something like:

I also modified the short descriptions in the kernels to show the colors to make it easier to test:

For the first test I selected the green game kernel and the 30 scanline red score kernel:

Next up, the blue game kernel without a score kernel:

Last test, the same blue game kernel with the 50 scanline white score kernel:

So now that I've figured out how the dasm side of the projects will work, I need to figure out the C side. I suspect this next part will take a month or two.

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