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130XE troubleshooting


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Here are a couple of the screen images I get after the computer stays on for a while.  The time it takes for this to show up is not constant.  Something else that I discovered. If I insert a Pole Position cart and boot, I get a light blue screen.  PacMan boots to PacMan and Star Raiders boots to Star Raiders.  The BASIC cart doesn't boot at all.

130XE b.jpg

130XE a.jpg

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Check CPU first thing. It heats up and does things like that based on cpu load... usually made in mexico cpu... but once in a blue moon it's others.

You can use the idividual tests in sysinfo or any other software for that matter to target chips in the system...


Of course a can of freeze spray can help with that too...  periodic spraying a particular chip.. if it runs longer etc... well you found a thermally affected chip...

Edited by _The Doctor__
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Well, I swapped out the CPU, ANTIC, and GTIA again. I also desoldered the CPU socket so I could check for solder bridges, put in a new socket all for nothing. This is the most frustrating issue I have ever had with a computer. I could probably sell the individual ICs for enough to purchase a new MB from Best.

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  • 1 month later...

My latest observation is that when it boots and has that momentary period before it goes crazy, the function keys do not work correctly. If I boot with PacMan, the start key changes the number of players and the select key changes the level of difficulty. Help does nothing. Reset resets. 

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