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Elite on the Lynx


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Sometime ago somebody was making a version of Elite for the Lynx.


Does anybody know how far it got?

Is it still work in progress?

Does anybody know who's making it?

Is it ever going to get released?


A screen shot can be seen in karri's Avatar


If it's not still being made maybe somebody can finish it off. Let's be honest, it would be the best selling Homebrew of all time on the Lynx.

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Does anybody know how far it got?  

Is it still work in progress?  

Does anybody know who's making it?  

Is it ever going to get released?  


A screen shot can be seen in karri's Avatar


And I think the same karri can answer all your questions as he is the one making this game called Stardreamer :P Also read old topics about it by searching for "Stardreamer" here at the forum.

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Here is the status update as of June 2nd, 2003.


The 3D math works, but when the object is too far then it creates a dot on the opposite side of the space. If the craft vanishes behind me then it pops up as a dot in front of me for a while.


The fly-towards-object routine is still missing. I have to code something like fly-towards(planet) or fly-towards(me-(0,0,100)) to be able to make the enemies do something more than fly straight or flying around in a circle.


The buying/selling is implemented.


The planets already get names, textures, colors, inhabitants etc.


During the weekend I finished my ABC-music module and got it included with another small Lynx program. Yesterday I included the ABC-music with Stardreamer. This allows me to have the tune continue even over the cart-loading sessions. And all the sound effects are also using the music engine - in stereo ;)


So I expect the cart-structure to be complete in a week or two.


After that I am going to concentrate on the flying, shooting and explosions to get the gameplay nice.


At this point the game should be playable, but without a storyline.


The save/restore works already using the EEPROM on my developers cart.






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just want to congratulate you to your great work so far.

Elite on Lynx is like a (star)dream come true.

Is it planned for realease on commercial cart? (How much space would it require?)

Or will it be only available as an homebrew rom image for handy?

Hope you ll find a publisher for this great work out!



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Well that's everything I wanted to hear....


It's still being worked on. Which is great news, as I was terribly worried it may have been stalled and forgotten.


It's not my place to say, but doesn't someone (no names mentioned but you know who you are) have blank Lynx carts. Surely this would be the best use for them.


Well it is clear that this will be a huge seller, especially as you can save your progress in the game. Damn I love Elite. When I get my copy I may as well superglue it into a Lynx, because it's never coming out again.(unless I wear the Lynx out)


You mentioned music, I don't know if you've done it yet, but can I suggest the Blue Danube for the automatic docking computer, as in the C64 version - just for nostalga.


If you need a play-tester just mail me, I play my Lynx nearly every day, which must make me one of the more regular users of the Lynx today.


Congratulations on your efforts so far, you are doing a great job by the sound of things. Kepp up the good work.

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I can actually make my own carts so that is no problem.


As you seem to be interested in the topic I can snail-mail you the stuff you need for doing the playtesting. Just private mail me your address to karri @ twins.dna.fi


The best way to speed up this project is to release it now even if it is not playable yet. At this stage you can influence which way the code developes so I need playtesters with visions of what is cool.


The Handy-emulation does not work very well with my sound code for some reason, so playtesting should be done on a real Lynx.


I have a private webserver on line from where the playtesters can get a daily snapshot. And the special hardware that I need to mail you is able to fully simulate a real cart.







PS. If you have time you could even code the Blue Danube in the ABC-format and mail it to me.


It should be like



CEG Gze ezc czC CEG ...


2nd Melody-channel:

z3 z2c czG Gz2 z3 ...


Perhaps even a bass-channel or drums-channel could be cool.

There are ABC-players available for all kind of systems on the net.

There may even be Blue Danube coded to ABC somewhere.

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During the weekend I finished my ABC-music module and got it included with another small Lynx program. Yesterday I included the ABC-music with Stardreamer. This allows me to have the tune continue even over the cart-loading sessions. And all the sound effects are also using the music engine - in stereo ;)


Hello Karri,


This ABC-music module looks very interesting! I didn't know this format but I learned a lot browsing through webpages about it. It seems to me that you found a great format that suits to the Lynx, certainly more than the MOD files.


Now I'm more on a hurry to see the final game.

Keep up with the good work! :)

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Thanks for the nice comments.


I am slowly getting to know Thomas 3D engine better. First I was afraid that the 3D-space will last for only about 15 seconds at full speed but now I discovered that there is actually 3 bytes for the X,Y,Z positional coordinates. So I can place a sun so far that it takes up to 30 minutes of playing time to reach it!


The 3D space wraps around in all three axis which means that you get back to where you started every hour in case you fly straight.


About the ABC-music...


I added a Lynx-specific "instrument"-command to the code. Like

db "I", shift, backup, flags, attack, hold, decay



shift, backup, flags go directly to the sound generator


attack is how many steps we increase the volume in one VBL interrupt

hold is how many VBL interrupts we keep the note steady

decay is how many steps we decrease the volume in one VBL interrupt


In case someone wants to try this out I can send the code or even post it here. It is in BLL-style modules.




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About the ABC-music...


I added a Lynx-specific "instrument"-command to the code. Like

db "I", shift, backup, flags, attack, hold, decay



shift, backup, flags go directly to the sound generator


attack is how many steps we increase the volume in one VBL interrupt

hold is how many VBL interrupts we keep the note steady

decay is how many steps we decrease the volume in one VBL interrupt


In case someone wants to try this out I can send the code or even post it here. It is in BLL-style modules.





Hi Karri,


I'm interested in trying this out :)

Can you read directly ABC files or do you need to adapt them before with the new command? I'm still new to the ABC format but the more I learn about it the more I think it is adapted to the Lynx system :)


About the rest of the game, it does look impressive... It looks like your game will be a "must have" :love: :)

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