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No Sound with 5200


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A few weeks ago i picked up a 5200 with three carts and no joysticks. Before I invest in joysticks I'm trying to figure out why the sound docent work.


Do the startup screens on Pac-Man, Centipede and/or Pole Position have sound? Again, no joysticks so I'm unable to start a game to see if the unit produces sound.


What are the top reasons for no sound? The video looks great even through RF.


- James


Note added: 4-port unit

Edited by Airshack
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no..most games don't have sound on their title screens. Have to actually start the games to get any sound. I think Frogger starts up with sound as soon as you power on so that would be a good cheap one to get to confirm this. There are several others as well, but most of the atari 1st party games don't usually have sound on their title screens. However, I would have through their demo modes would play sound still?


Are the three you listed, the only three you currently have?

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