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Getting my 5200 to boot.... what am I missing?


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I popped the top on a 4-port 5200 unit; it will power on, hits the splash screen, then just either sits blank or flips to random colors / lines..


Someone's been in it before, as the screws required coaxing to get them out, and the RF shield was bent up as if it'd already been removed before.



It has PacMan, Centipede, and Space Invaders carts, as well as 2 controllers and the trakball unit.



Example below.






It seems the Space Invaders cart will be more colorful, and centipede has an animated bit where the game name slides off the screen.



I have already tried swapping RAM chips to see if the failure mode will change with no luck, as well as scrubbing cart slot contacts with ammonia.



before I go too far and ruin things, I'd rather ask if there may be a problem with the system ROM etc.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I haven't had much more time to play with this.


Anyone want it? I'd rather it not to go waste, and can meet up with anyone who wants to play with it. I'm in Orange County, Ca - shipping is also a possibility, but would likely be a bit pricey, given the size of the box it came with.

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What you are describing is exactly what my original 5200 I picked up in the early 2000s suddenly started doing about 10 years after I had it. I replaced the ram and a few other chips swapping with another working one, and could never get it resolved. I still have it but have used it as a scrap parts system where its components have been used to create AV mods and repair other systems. So if you are handy like that, you might hold onto it. If nothing else, pull the Pokey off it and hold onto that as you never know when you might need a good pokey chip for 7800 homebrews in the future etc.

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I Think I'd rather get this to someone who can use it. I just wanted to play PacMan / Space Invaders, and I can do that w/ PC emulation. for $10, I'm not out much, and if someone else can use it I'd rather they do. Barring that, it may simply be E-wasted if the wife complains about it. I'll probably put it back together today and box it up.

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