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Does anyone, at all, actually like Rampage?


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I was flipping through channels last night and saw a few minutes of that movie "The Beach", which I hadn't seen in a long time, and I realized when the 2 guys are dying from the shark attack, Leonardo DiCaprio's character is playing a Game Boy and he's playing Rampage! (Or some version of Rampage). I didn't even realize that game existed (on Game Boy).

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I was flipping through channels last night and saw a few minutes of that movie "The Beach", which I hadn't seen in a long time, and I realized when the 2 guys are dying from the shark attack, Leonardo DiCaprio's character is playing a Game Boy and he's playing Rampage! (Or some version of Rampage). I didn't even realize that game existed (on Game Boy).


It's the latter ("some version"). Rampage World Tour and Rampage (2) Universal Tour were released for the GBC.

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So me and my wife took our 6 year old the the Rampage movie the other night, thinking it would be a monster movie a little less scary than Jurassic Park. Well, turns out it's more Aliens than Jurassic Park, especially the "Larry the Rat" opening scene. The first scene with the Wolf was pretty rough for a six year old too, and he asked to leave, so we did. Not our finest parenting moment. At least it was our small town theater, so the owner gave us free tickets for me and my wife to come back and see it later ourselves (one of many advantages to rural life icon_smile.gif ).


Anyway, to show my son what the movie was based on, I played the game with him when we got home. Now he wants to play it just a ton. Infinite continues are not a problem for him apparently. As others here have pointed out, apparently this is a great kid game. Slightly changes my view of it.


I decided to play this one this month because the movie was out and I thought that could make it relevant to my son, and it turns out the movie is not to my son's liking, but the game is, and the game isn't to my liking, but it is to his. Go figure.

Edited by Atarifever
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Rampage is an alright game with some really cool ideas and elements that just kind of never develop. It gets pretty tedious, and pretty quickly, and goes on waaay too long. Finishing the game is an act of dogged, defiant, mindless determination. And like others have said, there doesn't seem to be a way to be "good" at the game. Bullets and missiles and projectiles and shit find you no matter where you are on the screen or whatever methods you employ to evade them.


Still...it's a lot of fun. For a while.


My favorite versions are the NES version, which I played as a kid, and the Atari 2600 version, because it's awesome that a functional version of a game like this even exists for the Atari 2600 (and it's a relatively exotic 2600 cart at that, so that's cool, too). The 7800 version is also pretty good. The Proline joysticks don't do it any favors, but it's a nice game anyway.


The Apple version...woof, I dunno. Sorry, Tempest. :P Maybe if it's running on an Apple IIgs with the faster clockspeed turned on, I could actually see that being pretty decent. Otherwise...no. :P :-D


The CoCo 3 version looks really nice, but also runs very slowly and has that unfortunate trademark CoCo 3 silence.


But again, there's only so much mileage you can get out of even the best versions of Rampage.

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The Apple version...woof, I dunno. Sorry, Tempest. :P Maybe if it's running on an Apple IIgs with the faster clockspeed turned on, I could actually see that being pretty decent. Otherwise...no. :P :-D


It's nice for an Apple II game. It's the version I grew up with and I loved it. Personally I can't stand the NES version.

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Obviously not literal silence...but, yes.


Sparse, staccato sound effects do not a soundtrack make. And the slowness of the game only compounds the experience. You can practically hear crickets when you play it.


Rampage is far from the only CoCo 3 game that suffers from this, although most at least play at a tolerable speed. Exceptions exist, certainly, but generally speaking, I've observed a distinct quietness about CoCo 3 titles--there's just not much going on in the sound department. Shame, because they often look so good.



Personally I can't stand the NES version.


Fair enough. A lot of people can't, and I understand their reasons. But not being a die-hard fan of the arcade original anyway, I can live with its idiosyncrasies. :)

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Hot take: coming to the NES from the 7800 version, I thought NES Rampage was absolutely terrible. Where was Ralph, I wondered? What's with this weird little background soundtrack? Everyone looks weird!


I've never warmed up to the NES port, but the Master System one was pretty great. I've only played 2600 Rampage a few times, but have never quite gotten a handle on it.

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I just can't get into the 2600 port because of the building graphics. I understand Bob had to do them with playfield graphics and they have to be blocky like that, but man are they UGLY. I hear it plays well enough though.

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I just can't get into the 2600 port because of the building graphics. I understand Bob had to do them with playfield graphics and they have to be blocky like that, but man are they UGLY. I hear it plays well enough though.


You don't get to complain about graphics if you're still playing the Atari 2600. :P :-D

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Obviously not literal silence...but, yes.


Sparse, staccato sound effects do not a soundtrack make. And the slowness of the game only compounds the experience. You can practically hear crickets when you play it.


Rampage is far from the only CoCo 3 game that suffers from this, although most at least play at a tolerable speed. Exceptions exist, certainly, but generally speaking, I've observed a distinct quietness about CoCo 3 titles--there's just not much going on in the sound department. Shame, because they often look so good.


Ahh. Now I understand. At first I thought you had a defective game. I kept thinking "I remember that game had sounds".


But yes, I see what you're saying. A lot of Co CO 3 games are really kind of quiet. If memory serves, I don't think it had dedicated sound hardware but the CPU itself produced sound. Could be wrong though.


Might explain the limited sounds and the slowness too

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I just can't get into the 2600 port because of the building graphics. I understand Bob had to do them with playfield graphics and they have to be blocky like that, but man are they UGLY. I hear it plays well enough though.


I always thought the still graphics were impressive though

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Poor Jinks. So fashionable to hate. :-) I can think of a dozen other games I found less fun than Jinks. :-) Karateka I'm hard pressed to think of a game I find worse ...


Karate is arguably the worst game on the 2600.


What's with karate games on Atari systems being terrible? If there had been a karate game on the Jaguar it probably would be the worst game on that system.

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