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Atari 800 Start Function Button


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I just received an Atari 800. All the keys work perfectly except for the START function key. I opened up the computer and tried to push the key manualy but still not working. Does anyone have any idea on how to fix this? Many of the games will only work if you push the start botton on the console. only a few games will start from the joystick. Any help would be appreciated.

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Do you have a multimeter? If so, it's pretty easy to check continuity. If the switch itself physically works, you've got either a broken trace somewhere along the way, or potentially a bad GTIA chip (GTIA reads the Start, Select and Option console keys). Without a meter to check, I'd spray a good electrical contact cleaner into and around the switch mechanism and then cycle it vigorously a few dozen times. Let the cleaner dry and then try again. If cleaning the switch doesn't work, I'd swap the GTIA chip or at least re-seat it to ensure a good connection to the socket.

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The start key feels a little loose when pressed but I opened the case and pushed the button manually from the circuit board and it still did not work. I'll clean the board with contact cleaner and if that does not work then i guess I will try to replace the GTIA chip as mentioned above.

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Try shorting the solder pads under the switch with a metal screwdriver and see whether it registers. If so, then the switch is bad inside. If not, try reseating the GTIA before replacing it, as DrV said. Also reseat the CPU card and the power board to motherboard connection.

Edited by ClausB
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So I looked more closely at the contacts for the START function key and it looks like a little corrosion. I got some contact cleaner which I will try to clean and maybe a little solder around each. I a few pics but did see how you can post them here.

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