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SpaceMaster X-7 appreciation thread!


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22 hours ago, Living Room Arcade said:

If you like SpaceMaster X-7, you might also like




I probably would like it. But I've never actually come across this game, and I don't play Atari 2600 games with an emulator.  But I will keep an eye out for it. Thanks for the tip!




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56 minutes ago, Living Room Arcade said:

@Pitfall Harry  You're welcome! 

BTW, if you play the X'Mission .bin file on real Atari 2600 hardware image.jpeg.d482b22388e30608ac488e693c745e0d.jpeg using the Harmony cart, image.jpeg.1a679e406fd0231f724f205c77a60a3c.jpeg then you're not emulating.  

That may well be true, but it will take a great deal of compelling evidence to convince me of it and the effort would be wasted on me anyway. I know a Harmony cart could never recreate the nostalgic feel nor the absolute certainty of the authentic gaming experience to be had by inserting an original game cartridge designed, tested, and debugged to work in a real VCS. If, however, an original X'Mission cartridge is found to have bugs in its ROM code, then those bugs are entirely irrelevant; those bugs are authentic bugs, as they existed in the game since the day it was born. The same cannot be said about the Harmony cart, which may now or may later be found to have bugs in its hardware/software/firmware that could affect gameplay in a way that has not yet been discovered.


Bugs (of every stripe) are far, far more prevalent than most people realize.  There's just no way to be absolutely certain the Harmony cart contains no yet-to-be-discovered bugs that may affect gameplay, no matter how subtle.


That's not to disparage the Harmony cart in any way.  I'm sure it is a terrific product for many.  It's just not for me. It's the difficulty of the quest for the genuine article that makes playing the game all the sweeter when, at long last, I've tracked it down. 


I'll find an X'Mission cartridge, eventually. Or one of its copycat brethren.  And when I do, I'll be sure to let you know what I think of it.




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